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Mommy... I'm scared of clowns...

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Yep. You guessed it. CLOWN CONTROL TIME!

Clown Control. Teh epic win.


Monsters - 14

3x Dream Clown

3x Blade Rabbit

2x Ryu-Kishin Clown

3x Giant Rat

1x Snipe

1x DMoC

1x Lily


Spells - 16

3x Stumbling

3x Reasoning

2x Monster Gate

1x Stone

1x Reborn

3x Upstart

1x Heavy

1x Trunade

1x MST


Traps - 10

3x Rising Energy (I've got to game them somehow)

1x D-Prison/Sak

1x Mirror Force

1x Ojama Trio

3x Solemn/bribe

1x TT

R/F please!

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hm... maybe...

the thing is that this deck doesn't need big monsters, you just go:

first turn, set solemn and rising energy, and a facedown, end.

next turn:

activate stumbling, 3 reasoning, another clown monster, double summon, 1 more clown, then whole field goes boom. you activate rising.

lol gg

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