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Arcane Oppression?!

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Got bored again so i decided to try my hand at this deck.


Monsters: 18

1 Mole

2 Kycoo

3 Arcane VII

3 Arcane VI

3 Arcane IV

3 Banisher of the Radiance

3 D.D. Crow


Spells: 12

3 Shrink

3 Hammer Shot

2 Book of Moon

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Fissure

1 Smashing Ground

1 Brain Control


Traps: 16

3 By order of the Emperor

3 Royal Oppression

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Dark Bribe

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute


okay, let me have it. Strategy, same as gadget oppression, except i negate the coin toss of my arcane to draw a card. Cons, unlike the gadgets that guarantee a monster upon summon, i dont. Pros, i can shut them down with by order of the emperor as well, so they dont even guarantee them self monsters any more. Also, my monsters hit just a little bit harder than they do as well.



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i honestly have no idea how arcane decks work

but if your gonna use By Order of the Emperor, then use some kick@$$ effect monsters like Goblin Attack Force, of Fuiseller Dragon (however its spelt :?) just for MORE punch, as you can just negate the effect as it hits the field

so yea, it may just take away from the whole deck idea as i have no clue how they work, but that is what i would do with By Order...

also, your pro isn't reli that good of a pro... what if they run a vanilla aggro beatdown? the you are screwed!

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its different, skill drain stops all monster effects, except ignition with cost. by order only negates effects that activate when a monster is normal summoned. Take Stratos for example, if you normal summon Stratos, i can negate it and its effect will disappear, however if you special summon him, unlike skill drain who will negate his effect even if its special summoned, by order can not.

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there was a reason for that, vortex is for mass destruction, where its rare that there is more than one monster to be killed at a time, thus wasting a discard. I would solemn the unwanted, or shrink the strong. if anything escapes that a simple hammer will suffice. I did plan on siding them.

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