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chaos necro-how?

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in basic explanaition, chaos necromancer is one of my favorite monster cards of all time. BUT i keep trying to figure out the BEST WAY to use him, with out him getting completly overshaddowed by the deck. i keep trying to think of good support cards or just ways to build decks but i get a few cards and its just not coming to anything else. i know macro completly screws this deck idea but i've been wanting to come up with a list for this for ages and you know.

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hmm thats a very interesting idea Avaria demon, i would say useing the dark dumpers (armaggedon and dark grepher) would be a decent idea, try combining it with other monsters that work around the grave, perhaps skull servent OOOO i think i have an idea for a deck, with the new card coming out in LOD it could be a decent skull servent deck WOW thanks Avariademon you truly are an inspiration to us all, even if we dont all appreciate it!

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i would try running a dark world deck


you know whats funny i did, you know dark world monsters, the only worth while ones are the ones that give feild advantage, and they seem never to hit the graveyard untill after i lose. basically? i never got enough in the graveyard when i wanted them there, i would not mind trying out the other ones the ones that have effects as the go to the grave but other then that it just dosent help much.... i could try though.

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