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Dark Emperor deck help

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I recently bought 3 Dark Emperor Structures and 1 Rise of the Dragon Lord Structure. Can you guys help me build a decent/good deck using these 4 decks? Also, can you suggest any outside cards I need? I plan to buy Zaborg, Mobius, and Raiza but I can't right now. I also don't own a Mirror Force. Thanks! 8)

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Really? Well I have 2 decks built right now. One of them uses 3 Dark Emperor decks and the second one uses 3 Dark Emperor decks and 1 Rise of the Dragon Lords deck. Please rate/criticize/fix!


3 DE's


Monsters: 18

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 D.D. Assaliant

3 D.D. Survivor

3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

2 Banisher of the Radiance

2 Exiled Force

1 D.D. Scout Plane

1 D.D. Warrior Lady


Spells: 12

3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Enemy Controller

2 Lightning Vortex

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Brain Control

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Nobleman of Crossout


Traps: 10

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

3 Macro Cosmos

3 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Torrential Tribute




3 DE's and Rise of the Dragon Lords


Monsters: 18

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 D.D. Assaliant

3 D.D. Survivor

2 Banisher of the Radiance

2 Exiled Force

1 D.D. Scout Plane

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1 Morphing Jar

1 Snipe Hunter


Spells: 12

3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Enemy Controller

2 Lightning Vortex

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Brain Control

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Nobleman of Crossout


Traps: 10

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

3 Macro Cosmos

2 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Dust Tornado

1 Torrential Tribute


As you can see, very slight modifications between the two. I had someone help out too.

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Thanks, Chaos. I also have a Monarch deck going (just an idea). I don't have all of the cards but I plan to get them. Also got some help from somebody else. Here it is:


Monarch Deck


Monsters: 20

3 Caius, the Shadow Monarch

1 Zaborg, the Thunder Monarch

1 Mobius, the Frost Monarch

1 Raiza, the Storm Monarch

2 Cyber Dragon

3 D.D. Survivor

2 D.D. Scout Plane

1 Snipe Hunter

3 Exiled Force

2 Banisher of the Radiance

1 D.D. Assailant


Spells: 13

2 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Dimensional Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

2 D.D.R.- Different Dimension Reincarnation

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Dimension Fusion

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

1 Brain Control


Traps: 7

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Mirror Force

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

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