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Naruto Poop Episode 2: The Echo Randomness

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I'm starting to get the hang of editing videos on windows movie maker. I think my Naruto Poop episodes are getting better.


Kakashi gets mullet punched to the wall, numerous times. Also Kakashi is letting Gai giving him a piggy-back ride (XD), in a strange way Gai feels happy about that.


And of course Sasuke with his cool attitude towards Neji, making him say the "Funky junky hat" song which goes like this:


What's that?

A hat!

Crazy, funky, junky hat.

Overslept, hair unsightly,

Trying' to look like Keira Knightly,

We've been there,

We've done that,

We see right through your funky hat!


Before Neji says what?


And also "That So Raven" debuts on this Naruto Poop episode, making things more random and funny.



And of course more randomness!!!!!!


Also sorry for the long credits, that's why the video is long; I just like the music to play.


Naruto Poop Episode 3 is coming soon.


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