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[Written] Lightsworn Shrine


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Continuous Spell Card

Each time a card(s) is sent from the Deck to the GY, place 2 Shine Counters on this card. Once per turn, if a "Lightsworn" card(s) would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove 1 Shine Counter for each card instead. You can remove Shine Counters from your field to apply these effects. You can only use this effect of "Lightsworn Shrine"once per turn.
● 2 Counters: Before resolving a "Lightsworn" monster effect that would send a card(s) from the top of the Deck to the GY, you can look at the top 5 cards of your deck, and if you do, place them on the top your Deck in any order.
● 4 Counters: Target 1 "Lightsowrn" card that is banished or in your GY; add it to your hand.
● 6 Counters: Special Summon 1 "Lightsworn" monster from your hand, GY or that is banished.


Yeah, its basically a gateway for LS,  nerf was necessary because of the spam capacity of the deck, howver this turns (for the most part) the random milling into more accurate dump. Its "balanced" by giving you the option of  only 1 of the 3 effects per turn (and hard OPT).

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Needless to say, it's nowhere near as potent as Gateway if it has a hard OPT xD
I'm conflicted on this card. On one hand, it should be easy to stack a big number of counters due to the milling power of LSs and choose the most convenient for you. On the other, you are dedicating deck space to a deck stacker/retriever/reviver for LSs that may end up dead if your milling combos are disrupted. Then again, the destruction protection it grants to your LSs should come in handy. I'm no LS player so IDK if they actually would welcome this, but as of now, if I was interested in playing LSs, I would think twice before running this.

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