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My Deck... (Any way to improve?)

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Hm, I just put these cards together since I like them... Does it work out?



2 Mokey Mokey

3 Axe Dragonute

2 Blade Knight

2 Blast Sphere

3 Blizzard Dragon

2 Brain Crusher

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

2 Creeping Doom Manta

1 Diabolos, King of the Abyss

2 Gilasaurus



1 Book of Moon

2 Clock Tower Prison

2 Creature Swap

1 Fissure

2 Graceful Dice

2 Ground Collapse



1 Mirror Force

2 Nightmare Wheel

3 Skull Zoma

2 Solemn Judgement

2 Trap Hole


I think I'm lacking in power though...


Edit: Sorry... I forgot about Breaker being banned, so... what can I change it into?

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oi! copy my idea won't you?!?!

but still, as i have said before, bad deck is bad

don't just throw random cards together if they don't work well with each other, that will just result in some humiliating defeats

trust me, start fresh, and use yugioh wikia, it has good info on Deck structure and what cards should be in what kind of deck

i personally find it very good

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Mokey Mokey =



Well, I think Mokey Mokey is cute... O_o; And 2 people in my school call me that... Yeah...



Right. I'll see a proper deck structure, but I can't predict what'll happen since I always fail when I try to... I can't get real cards so I'm using Yugioh WC 2008. Thanks for advice. I think I'm more suited to magic and trap decks though. I like them... I rarely use monsters. Lets see what I can do...

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