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The Power Of Six! Please Help!

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Six Samurai for Under 14 nats.


Monsters - 18

3x Grandmaster

2x Shien

3x Zanji

3x Yaichi

2x Nisashi

1x Irou

1x Kamon

1x Enishi

2x Cyber Dragon


Spells - 20

2x RotA

1x Prem

3x Six Samurai United

1x Cunning (not usually needed unless you want to attack again)

2x Lightning Vortex

2x Shrink

1x Double Summon

3x Reasoning

1x MST

1x Heavy

1x Reborn

1x Foolish (speeds up enishi)

1x Brain Control (gets rid of the 1 monster they will have played and uses it to up the damage)


Traps - 2

1x Mirror Force

1x Breakthrough!


Side Deck - 15

1x Irou

1x Kamon

1x Nisashi

1x Freed The Matchless General

2x Marauding

2x Blue Thunder

1x Rahz

1x SoRL

1x PoA

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Sak

1x D-Prison

1x Backs to the wall

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It's a Six Samurai Swarm deck. What more do you want?

Explosion FTK runs 3 traps, and, usually DAD runs about 4.

So is 3 really too little traps?

Oh, and by the way, here's what the cydras are for.

Opp first. Opp summons a monster, sets 2, and ends.

You= I draw, play heavy storm, play six samurai united, summon cyber dragon, summon nisashi, summon grandmaster, summon shien. (Draw 2 inbetween). Summon another Shien. (or play double summon into another SS, the calculator, or summon enishi, etc.)

Say the monster was... oh, I don't know, stratos?

2500+2500+2100+2100+1400+1400 is 12000. Stratos is 1800. 12000 - 1800 is 10200.

Lol gg.

On average, a good deck can do that in 1 turn.

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ok this deck wont work too well uless you have soulems or bribes soo i would suggest adding in 3 of each


also add in another shogun and drop one of the more poinless ss, also you may as wlel just drop a useless spell and or trap for another lightning vortex

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Guest Star

You have two brain controls though...


You're right.


Why didn't anyone tell me that Brain Control wasn't limited?


I think it's great that you don't have Torrential Tribute in this Deck, but you do have Breakthrough in this Deck.

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I'd drop the cyber dragons, foolish, and breakthrough for counters. Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell, Solemn, maybe even throw in an anti-spell fragrance to snipe MT's with Yaichi. Um...-2 nisashi for +2 irou. Nisashi is nice, but irou is way more useful in most situations, if you really want nisashi of course you could just drop 1 for 1 irou, but don't have more nisashis than irous.

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Six Samurai arent trap heavy. Cyber Dragon is a difference maker in this deck. Cunning is abusable with Grandmaster. Six Samurai are fast but their main downfall is D Prison because it disables their meatshielding ability. Combat this with Solemn Judgment or Dark Bribe. Card Trooper might be worth adding as it speeds up Enishi.

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