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Deck Destroyer!?

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OK once again I am New So Bear With Me ...any help would be greatly appreciated



Deck Destroyer


Total Cards - 46

22- Monsters


Blast Sphere - X2

Brron, Mad King of Dark World - X1

Chainsaw Insect - X3

dandylion - X1

Destiny Hero Defender - X2

Don Zaloog - X1

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness - X1

Great Maju Garzett - X1

Helpoemer - X1

Hiro's Shadow Scout - X1

Jinzo - 1

Morphing Jar - X1

Needle Worm - X3

Sillva, War Lord of Dark World - X1

Snipe Hunter - X1

The Bistro Butcher - X1


15 - Spell Cards


Amplifier - X1

Card Destrution - X1

Giant Trunade - X1

Graceful Charity - X1

Gravekeeper's Servant - X1

Heavy Storm - X1

Lightning Vortex - X2

Mystic Space typhoon - X1

Pot of Avarice - X1

Premature Burial - X1

Reload - X1

Sealed Gold Coffer - X2

Shield Crash - X1


9 - Traps


Call of the haunted - X1

Crush Card Virus - X1

Dust Tornado - X2

Mirror Force - X1

Ring of Destruction - X1

Robbin Goblin - X1

Robbin Zombie - X1

Widespread Ruin - X1



Thanks and leave comments of what ya think or improvements please

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ok, on that GBA game Yu-gi-oh w/e 2006, I used this Destruction Deck that's aiight, but needs tweaking.


- I use 3x Gravekeeper's Servant because they are cumulative (discard 3 is all the are active)

- the 3x needle worm is a good choice

- if it's a traditional format deck, possibly Cyber Jar because i think it's only limited in traditional format

- Morphing Jar #2 most def.


if only i had 3x Gravekeeper's Servant IRL...


also, your deck doesn't really seem too deck destroyer-ish

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