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Level the Plushie

Mew 101

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I saw a game simialr to this that apearently died out. I saw no reason as to this, so I am starting the game started by tehodis over. This time, there are some standereds.


  • You may only post if you have a adoptible with the link to the site of which the Plushie can be leveled up.
  • If you level a plushie, then that person levels your Plushie, you may not level that specific persons Plushie untill another 24 Hours. This is because of the Poke-Plushie System which prevents people with the same IP address from leveling other or there own Plushie over & over again untill it reaches it's max level.
  • If the person whom posted before you has 2 or more plushies in his/her sig, you do not have to level them all, although it would be nice.
  • If you have more plushies then there are in your Sig, you may add them to your post, but you may not have more then a total of 10 plushies,counting sigs.
  • Have a Plush-Tastic Time!


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