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My First Set of "Scrubs" Cards!


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JD.jpg 1) If "Dr. Chris Turk" is on your side of the field, this card gains 500 ATK and 500 DEF. 2) If "Nurse Carla Espinosa" is on your side of the field, this card gains 300 ATK and 300 DEF. 3) If "Dr. Elliot Reid" is on your side of the field, this card gains 700 ATK and 600 DEF. 4) If "Dr. Perry Cox" is on your side of the field, flip two coins. If both are heads, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 500 points. Otherwise, decrease the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points. 5) If "Janitor" is on the field, decrease the ATK and DEF of this card by 400 points each.

[imghttp://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll308/LongRod469/Scrubs%20Cards/COX.jpg[/img] 1) If "Jordan Sullivan" is on your side of the field, this card gains 600 ATK and DEF points; if "Jordan Sullivan" is on your opponents side of the field, this card looses 500 ATK and DEF points. 2) If "Dr. John Dorian" is on the field, this card gains 400 ATK and DEF points. 3) If "Nurse Carla Espinosa" is on the field, this card gains 300 ATK and 200 DEF points.

TED.jpg 1) If either "Janitor", "Dr. Doug Murphy", or "The Todd" is on the field, this card gains 400 ATK and DEF points. 2) If "Dr. Bob Kelso" is on the field, this card is sent to the grave yard. 3) If this card is summoned with the effect of "Brain Trust Assemble!", the original ATK and DEF of this card becomes 1850 and the above effects are negated.

ELLIOT.jpg 1) If "Dr. John Dorian" is on your side of the field, this card gains 1500 ATK and 2000 DEF. 2) If "Dr. Perry Cox" is on the field, this card looses 500 ATK and 1000 DEF and cannot be destroyed by battle.

3) If "Nurse Carla Espinosa" is on your side of the field, this card gains 1000 ATK and 500 DEF.

DRDOUG.jpg 1) When either "Janitor", "Ted Buckland", or "The Todd" is on your side of the field, this card gains 400 ATK and DEF. 2) If this card was special summoned with "Brain Trust Assemble!", it's original ATK and DEF equals the difference between your and your opponents life points when "Brain Trust Assemble!" was activated and effect 1 is not applied. BRAINTRUST.jpg


TheTodd.jpg 1) When either "Dr. Doug Murphy", "Ted Buckland", or "Janitor" is on the field, this card gains 500 ATK and DEF. 2) Whenever "Dr. Chris Turk" is on the field this card gain 300 ATK and DEF. 3) If this card was summoned by the effect of "Brain Trust Assemble!", the origional ATK and DEF of this card becomes 1900 and effect 1 is negated.








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the john dorian card has way too many effects IMO...what a mess for calculating all the attack all the time.


i love scrubs tho and the ted is funny with him going to the grave when bob kelso is on the field...




THE TODD should gain effects/atk when the CHICKS are on the field IMO...(even tho hes sort of bi on the show)


AND WHY DIDNT U get a pic of TODD in the speedo????


now u make me want to make an OFFICE set or an OFFICE SPACE set lol


plz post on my hulk set heres a link


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1) I didn't put a pic of Todd in a speedo because there are like 10 year olds on this site

2) I didn't have Todd's ATK increase when there where chicks on the field because it would be hard to identify which cards are chicks without the cards being more complex.

3) you are right about JD having 2 many effects. I should change it, but I'm to lazy.

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In Response to "Sacred Axle Synchro": Jordan Sullivan is Perry's wife, I forgot about Kelso, and if you look after the text for "Dr. John Dorian"s 5th effect, there is an image code that I messed up. That is supposed to be the Dr. Perry Cox card. Here it is, as I meant it to be.




1) If "Jordan Sullivan" is on your side of the field, this card gains 600 ATK and DEF points; if "Jordan Sullivan" is on your opponents side of the field, this card looses 500 ATK and DEF points. 2) If "Dr. John Dorian" is on the field, this card gains 400 ATK and DEF points. 3) If "Nurse Carla Espinosa" is on the field, this card gains 300 ATK and 200 DEF points.

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