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Iron Will


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Iron Will

Continuous Trap

This card can be activated as an Equip card. The equipped monster gains 800 ATK/DEF. If the equipped monster is targeted by an attack: It gains half the ATK/DEF of the equipped monster. If the equipped monster would be affected by the effect of a card controlled by your opponent: You can discard 1 card from your hand to negate the effect of that card and destroy it.

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I had a idea about some of the things you could do with Iron Will. Obviously buff defense oriented cards to the absolute extremes, but it could works for offensive cards as well. Goblin Attack Force + Metalmorph + Iron Will + Ancient Gear Mask 

3400 ATK, Normal Summonable without a tribute, locks opponents Spell/Trap zone when battling, gains 1/2 of opponents ATK when attacking, and 1/2 of their ATK when being attacked in DEF mode. This combo also lets it inflict piercing damage, and all damage would be doubled. It also can't be destroyed once per turn. AND IT'S LITERALLY JUST A GOBLIN ATTACK FORCE. THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER CARDS THAT COULD REAP THIS COMBO'S BENEFIT.  

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That is kinda the idea. But it only shuts down cards that affect the equipped monster. So to be safe, you could run it with Ring of Magnetism or Raregold Armor (better choice) to draw all attacks to it. After that, you just need something of a lightning rod card to draw effects to it.

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Goblin Combo above attacks Dragon Master Knight. 

3400 + 2500 = 5900

5900 - 5000 = 900 x 2 = 1800

with no Spell/Trap use

Goblin Combo above attacks Blue Eyes White Dragon.

3400 + 1500 = 4900

4900 - 3000 = 1900 x 2 = 3800

Goblin Combo above attacks a 0 ATK/DEF monster in defense mode

3400 - 0 = 3400 x 2 = 6800

Goblin Combo attacks a defense position Goblin Combo

(Attacking Monster) 3400 + 1700 = 5100 ATK

(Defending Monster) 800 + 400 (1/2 of Defense position Monsters DEF) + 1700 (1/2 of Defense position monsters ATK) = 2900 DEF

5100 ATK - 2900 DEF = 2200 x 2 = 4400

Goblin Combo attacks a defense position Rocket Arrow Express

3400 + 2500 = 5900 - 0 = 5900 x 2 = 11800 

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Maha Vailo = 1550/1400

Metalmorph = 2350/1400 + 50% of whatever it attacks

Ironwill = 3650/2200 + 50% of whatever attacks it

Raregold Armor = 4150/2200 and forces your opponent's monsters to attack it so it gains the Ironwill boost (which is also an effect nagation card).

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Maha Vailo + Safe Zone + Iron Will + Metalmorph + Mage Power + Raregold Armor

Maha Vailo 1550/1400

Safe Zone 2050/1400

Iron Will 3350/2200

Metalmorph 4150/2200

Mage power 7150/5200

Raregold Armor 7650/5200


That's a pretty nice wall.

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