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[Written] Dark Plant Eradication Virus

Peter Rose

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Name: Dark Plant Eradication Virus

Card Type: Normal Trap Card

Effect: Tribute 1 Level 1 Dark-Plant type monster with 500 or lower original ATK. Check your opponents hand, all face-up monsters your opponent controls, and all cards they draw (until the end of your opponents 3rd turn after this cards activation) and Banish all monsters with equal to or less than 1500 ATK/DEF face-down. If you tributed a monster who's original name is "Dark Plant" your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this cards activation.


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  • 1 month later...

It this not-to-subtlety a reference to the user Darkplant? :v
Anyway, the removal is a better Deck Devastation Virus, which makes me wonder why it isn't named "Devastation" instead of "Eradicator". But in exchange it requires a monster with more specific traits as Tribute, making it more situational. The bonus it gets for using the actual "Dark Plant" is an amusing note of flavor, and with the Level 1 and Normal support it can get there may be some merit in running it to feed this card, so the buff is not just there for show. Overall it looks like a good card, it can be effective if you give some Deck dedication to it.

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