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I am currently planning a new series of Pokémon cards, which work similar to the actual game (There is a sort of evolution there, and there are Pokemon-EX cards planned, and possibly Shinies/Deltas if I work out how.)


Babies have stats around 600

Basics have around 1400

Stage 1s have around 2000

Stage 2s have around 2900

Pokemon-EXs have around 3500 and are usually Secret Rares

These figures will be different for Legendaries, which will be Basics with high summon costs.

I'll leave for now with a Venusaur EX.


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It's a tad bit overpowered, but the idea's good, and maybe instead of a Grass-Type it could be a Plant-Type? That way it has an actual type.


EDIT: I forgot to say that the idea's good but it isn't that original.

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So much for EX's having around 3500 ATK...


First, the wording is fine. Good!


Second, way overpowered.


Third, no effect. Yick.


Fourth, you got the accent over the e. Good!


Fifth, Grass is not a type, change to Plant.


Sixth, WIND?!??!?! You mean EARTH?


Four faults, two "goods"


That's -2/0...

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Umm why did you black out the areas of the card? That isn't teasing that's just plain old annoying... lol jk it's fine I just wanted to type something like that to get it out of my system, the Legendary Bird idea is pretty good, specially putting them together.

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