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Greetings and Salutations

Kaylee the Card Wizard

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Greetings and Saaalutations, friends and friendos~♡

Hope you people and nonpeople are having a wonderful/terrible morning/afternoon/evening/night/nonexistence. I haven't played Yugioh in years, but I hope the community is as nice as I remember it being when I was like 13-15ish.

I play Magic the Gathering, mostly now, but have a lot of fond nostalgia for YCMaker. Maybe, you and I, we could become friends, and through a belief in the Heart of the Cards, we could stand against any industrial illusionists that aim to oppress us.

Fondness and Affection,

Kaylee-chan, Mistress of all things queer and unlikely~♡

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14 hours ago, Kaylee the Card Wizard said:

Maybe, you and I, we could become friends, and through a belief in the Heart of the Cards, we could stand against any industrial illusionists that aim to oppress us.

That's a nice and interesting way of thinking. I wasn't around during those times you mention since I'm mostly new, but a warm welcome to you, anyway 🙂

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