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Bloom Symphony the Melodious Maestra [Written]


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Bloom Symphony the Melodious Maestra
lv 8 LIGHT
3 "Melodious" monsters
Must be Fusion Summoned. All monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each "Melodious" monsters you control. Each time a "Melodious" monster is Special Summoned: Increase your LP by 200. During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon up to 2 Level 5 or lower "Melodious" monster from your hand and/or GY. During the turn you activated this effect, you cannot Special Summon monsters except "Melodious" monsters. You can only use this effect of "Bloom Symphony the Melodious Maestra" once per turn.
ATK/2600 DEF/2000

So a Melodious triple fusion that grants mass attack to your Melodious, gives you life when you summon a Melodious and also lets you summon up to 2 Melodious from hand or grave where if you summon Aria and Elegy you get 3 decently power boosted monsters along with a layer of defense added to it.

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