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Mixed up Splicing Contest

Mew 101

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Ok. This isn't your avrage Splicing contest. You can only use Pokémon from Bulbasaur to Mew. Why? Because your going to make a splice with to Pokémon from every Pokémon game, counting there other virsions. So, EX. Splice a _____ & ______ from

Pokémon: R/B/G/Y/G/S/C//R/S/E/FR/LG/D/P. Each Splice must meet the following rules


1. It is Re-Colored.

2. Before you start splicing, the sprite is Re-Vamped


Reward is 100 points.

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It's like this. You take 2 Pokémon from every Pokémon Game (Not Dash/Mystery Dungon/Trozi) that are between Bulbasaur & Mew. You Revamp Pokémon to there D/P color. Then you splice each one. How cool it looks doesn't get you more better chance of winning. But how similar they are does.

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