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A Horrible Deck - Or is it, (DMU)


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Ok the truth is this deck is a gag, If you feel like leaving now go ahead. Damn still that many you guys must really wanna see a sucky deck, Oh well heres the deck.


Skull Servant

Skull Servant

Skull Servant


Armageddon Knight

Armageddon Knight

King of the Skull Servants

King of the Skull Servants

King of the Skull Servants

Madame Skull Servant

Madame Skull Servant

Madame Skull Servant

Phantom of Chaos

Phantom of Chaos

Phantom of Chaos

Sky Scourge Norleras

Sky Scourge Norleras

Sky Scourge Norleras

Zombie Master

Zombie Master



A Feather of the Phoenix

A Feather of the Phoenix

Allure of Darkness

Allure of Darkness

Allure of Darkness

Book of Life

Book of Life

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Gold Sarcophagus

Opti-Camouflage Armor

Opti-Camouflage Armor

Phalanx Pike

Phalanx Pike


Crush Card Virus

Dark Bribe

Dark Bribe

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment

Solemn Judgment

Torrential Tribute

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Uh yeah they do, Norleras plus PoC plus feather for ownage, Armageddons to dump Skulls, Mezuki to bring back skulls if needed, pikes and opti for skull servant, Inferavilla to clear the field, allures to draw and gold to add a skull to my hand.

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-1 Opti-Camouflage Armor

-1 Phalanx Pike

-1 Sky Scourge Norleras

-1 Allure of Darkness


+2 Zombie Master

+2 Card of Safe Return


Zombie Master can pitch a monster and review a zombie. So you could dump a useless in-hand skull servant for a king of the skull servants. With Zombie Master and 2 Book of Lifes you can draw everytime you revive from the grave, giving you more options. Also have you considered Lightning Vortex?

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heh do u even get the point of norleras, 3 allure for the fact all monsters are dark, Skull servant + 3X pike and a opti and 5 skulls in the grave = 13800 direct attacker. this deck is suppose to be a gag not runnable, look for my dark return otk for a serious deck, im keeping the allure, norleras and the armor *armor works on king 2*, I might drop a pike tho

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