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Elemental Hero deck - it works, okay?

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Hello, this is my first post *yay me* and I really want people's opinions on my deck. It is an Elemental Hero and Warrior deck. I understand that people don't think that they work, and that it is pointless to make one, so if you are one of those people, please don't comment(THAT MEANS NO RUDE COMMENTS, PLEASE!). I accept any positive support and/or helpful advice. Now let me shut up and list the materials to the deck:



Avian X2

Burstinatrix X2

Clayman X2

Sparkman X1

Bubbleman X1

Wildheart X1

Bladedge X1

Prisma X1

Wroughtweiler X1

Winged Kuriboh X1

Marauding Captain X2

Field-Commander Rahz X1

Exiled Force X1

Mataza the Zapper(filler, needs a replacement) X1

King of the Swamp X1

Mask of Darkness X1

Goblin Elite Attack Force X1



Fifth Hope X1

Skyscraper X1

Polymerization X1

Future Fusion X1

Fusion Sage X1

Fusion Gate X1

De-Fusion X1

Card Trader X1

Magical Mallet X1

Pot of Avarice X1

Lighting Vortex X1

Heavy Storm X1

Dark Factory of Mass Production X1

Warrior Returning Alive X1

Reinforcement of the Army X2

Premature Burial X1

Swords of Revealing Light X1

Mystical Space Typhoon X1



Hero Signal X2

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Magic Cylinder X1

Torrential Tribute X1

Waboku X1

Bottomless Trap Hole X1



Flame Wingman X 3

Thunder Giant X1

Rampart Blaster X2

Steam Healer X1

Tempest X1

Wildedge X1

Phoenix Enforcer X1

Shining Phoenix Enforcer X1

Wild Wingman X1

Mariner X1

Plasma Vice X1

Electrum X1



So, how is that for an E-Hero Deck? Before you comment, the Warrior support gives me an alternative to play without Fusions, if ever the case arose.8)

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... E-Hero decks mostly don't work because people think that they are Jaden and keep on playing the VERY BAD ONES.


... E.Hero decks are better.




Monsters Level 5 and more(5)

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Messenger of Hades-Gorz

Caius the Dark Monarch


Monsters Level 1 to 4(19)

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Clayman

Elemental Hero-Sparkman

Elemental Hero-Stratos

Mystic Tomato

Mystic Tomato

Armageddon Knight

Armageddon Knight

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

Snipe Hunter

Spirit Reaper



Spell cards(12)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Dimension Fusion

Reinforcement of the Army

Reinforcement of the Army

Dark Calling

Dark Calling

Dark Calling


Trap cards(4)

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Return from the Different Dimension

Return from the Different Dimension


Fusion monsters(15)

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia


Total:40 + 15 fusions

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Okay, first off, I asked for no rude comments. "You are not Jaden," is a rude post, and also, I only asked for positive comments on my deck, if you want people to know about yours, then post it in a seperate thread. I only wanted people to find flaws within an E-hero deck(excluding the fact that I use E-heros, or offer cards to replace with what(excluding E-Heros). So please, refer to the first post to remind yourselves not to post anything rude; just advice and possible support. Thank You.[/i]

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Okay' date=' first off, I asked for no rude comments. "You are not Jaden," is a rude post, and also, I only asked for positive comments on [i']my[/i] deck, if you want people to know about yours, then post it in a seperate thread. I only wanted people to find flaws within an E-hero deck(excluding the fact that I use E-heros, or offer cards to replace with what(excluding E-Heros). So please, refer to the first post to remind yourselves not to post anything rude; just advice and possible support. Thank You.[/i]


What you said was that you didn't want people who think E-Heroes can't work to post. I think E-Heroes can work. However, your build is not the build that makes them work. Advising you to use one of the three builds I listed is advice and possible support. Refer to the Jack Witt Clause in the sticky titled "The Rules".

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Okay' date=' first off, I asked for no rude comments. "You are not Jaden," is a rude post, and also, I only asked for positive comments on [i']my[/i] deck, if you want people to know about yours, then post it in a seperate thread. I only wanted people to find flaws within an E-hero deck(excluding the fact that I use E-heros, or offer cards to replace with what(excluding E-Heros). So please, refer to the first post to remind yourselves not to post anything rude; just advice and possible support. Thank You.[/i]


What you said was that you didn't want people who think E-Heroes can't work to post. I think E-Heroes can work. However, your build is not the build that makes them work. Advising you to use one of the three builds I listed is advice and possible support. Refer to the Jack Witt Clause in the sticky titled "The Rules".


I am not referring to you, Crab Helmet, I am glad for your advice, and I guess that I was just a little mad about the other interjections like Jesus's, I didn't understand what Xander actually meant by entering his E.Hero Deck. I am sorry about that. It is also the case that I lack some of the resources for E.Heros(Fusions), Cyber Heroes(almost everything), and I dont think I can find a Giant Rat for Ratty Heros, or an Earth for that matter.

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I am not referring to you' date=' Crab Helmet, I am glad for your advice, and I guess that I was just a little mad about the other interjections like Jesus's, I didn't understand what Xander actually meant by entering his E.Hero Deck.



well, to clear things up, Xander didn't post his own deck, it is a type of E-Hero deck that actually does work


it is also a known fact on this forum that generic E-Hero decks are not the greatest of all decks, and your deck looks a lot like the E-Hero deck that you get from the starter deck (except for Prisma and the warriors)


some cards in your deck that are not good in any deck include:


Winged Kuriboh


These cards are not that good, and therefor should be ditched


i do suggest that you do down the path of either cyber heroes/ratty heroes/dark heroes as they are E-Hero decks that do work


just wanted to clear things up and make my suggestions :)

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Okay' date=' first off, I asked for no rude comments. "You are not Jaden," is a rude post, and also, I only asked for positive comments on [i']my[/i] deck, if you want people to know about yours, then post it in a seperate thread. I only wanted people to find flaws within an E-hero deck(excluding the fact that I use E-heros, or offer cards to replace with what(excluding E-Heros). So please, refer to the first post to remind yourselves not to post anything rude; just advice and possible support. Thank You.[/i]


What you said was that you didn't want people who think E-Heroes can't work to post. I think E-Heroes can work. However, your build is not the build that makes them work. Advising you to use one of the three builds I listed is advice and possible support. Refer to the Jack Witt Clause in the sticky titled "The Rules".


I am not referring to you, Crab Helmet, I am glad for your advice, and I guess that I was just a little mad about the other interjections like Jesus's, I didn't understand what Xander actually meant by entering his E.Hero Deck. I am sorry about that. It is also the case that I lack some of the resources for E.Heros(Fusions), Cyber Heroes(almost everything), and I dont think I can find a Giant Rat for Ratty Heros, or an Earth for that matter.


Make a good deck or ok and i can fix, if you make a terrible deck usually i cant be bothered to fix and say something like fail. If you cant stand critcism dont bother posting cause you will always get it

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you need neos neospaciens and evil heros they go good together heres my hero deck

one copy unless marked


Elemental Heros-

plasma vice

phoenix enforcer




wild wingman

necroid shaman

flare neos

Evil Heros-

wild cyclone

infenral sniper

dark gaia



elemental heros-





wild heart





neos alius

Evil Heros-

infernal gainer

infernal prodigy

Neo spacians-

flare scarab

glow moss



giant soldier of stone

renge keeper of dark world



fusion sage


r-righteous justice

h-heated heart

e-emergency call

instant fusion


black pendent

cyclone boomerang




reverse of neos


fake hero

brain control

premature burial

dark fusion


dark calling



hero signal(2)

hero counterattack

elemental recharge

justi break

feather wind

karma cut

magic cylinder

strike slash

sakuretsu armor


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Hello' date=' this is my first post *yay me* and I really want people's opinions on my deck. It is an Elemental Hero and Warrior deck. I understand that people don't think that they work, and that it is pointless to make one, so if you are one of those people, please don't comment(THAT MEANS NO RUDE COMMENTS, PLEASE!). I accept any positive support and/or helpful advice. Now let me shut up and list the materials to the deck:



Avian X2

Burstinatrix X2

[b']Clayman X2[/b]

Sparkman X1

Bubbleman X1

Wildheart X1

Bladedge X1

Prisma X1

Wroughtweiler X1

Winged Kuriboh X1

Marauding Captain X2

Field-Commander Rahz X1

Exiled Force X1

Mataza the Zapper(filler, needs a replacement) X1

King of the Swamp X1

Mask of Darkness X1

Goblin Elite Attack Force X1



Fifth Hope X1

Skyscraper X1

Polymerization X1

Future Fusion X1

Fusion Sage X1

Fusion Gate X1

De-Fusion X1

Card Trader X1

Magical Mallet X1

Pot of Avarice X1

Lighting Vortex X1

Heavy Storm X1

Dark Factory of Mass Production X1

Warrior Returning Alive X1

Reinforcement of the Army X2

Premature Burial X1

Swords of Revealing Light X1

Mystical Space Typhoon X1



Hero Signal X2

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Magic Cylinder X1

Torrential Tribute X1

Waboku X1

Bottomless Trap Hole X1



Flame Wingman X 3

Thunder Giant X1

Rampart Blaster X2

Steam Healer X1

Tempest X1

Wildedge X1

Phoenix Enforcer X1

Shining Phoenix Enforcer X1

Wild Wingman X1

Mariner X1

Plasma Vice X1

Electrum X1



So, how is that for an E-Hero Deck? Before you comment, the Warrior support gives me an alternative to play without Fusions, if ever the case arose.8)


Ok, the problem with this deck is you have the bad side of the hero cards. The one's in bold are the one's you should keep in. Your opponent 99% of the time will play something better than all of this, and you will be screwed. Add in support like Cyber Dragon, Hero City, mirror force etc. What I did was I chose my favourite card, and built around it. That is what you could do.

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