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The Ultimate Video Game Tournament (Semi-Finals!)


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This thread was inspired by Aethercide's Anime vs. Video Game Character showdown thing.


Here are the rules.


You select a character in the ground of the tournament and you pick who wins. Explain why.




DEOXYS vs. SCORPION | Deoxys, due to pwnage shapeshifting attacks.

DARTH VADER vs. NIGHTMARE | Darth Vader, due to Force Grip and pure pwnage.

ZELTRAX vs. SEPHIROTH | Zeltrax, due to Sephiroth's girliness.

OBI WAN KENOBI vs. RATCHET | Obi-Wan, due to the Force and Ratchet's overall suckiness.

WHITE RANGER vs. IKE | Ike, due to Aether. Tough choice.

MARIO vs. SNAKE | Snake, due to his massive arsenal. Another toughy.

*LINK vs. HAWKEYE | Link, because Link is the greatest fighter that's ever existed (fact).

GANONDORF vs. ZANT | Ganondorf, due to the fact that Zant is Ganondorf's pawn.

NARUTO vs. ZERO (Mega Man Zero series) | Zero, due to Naruto's immaturity.

SAMUS vs. BLACK KNIGHT | Samus, due to the Phazon Beam. Toughest choice of all; they're evenly matched.

MARTH vs. CLOUD | Marth, due to Cloud's unwieldly weapon and Marth's uncanny luck.

FOX vs. WOLF | Fox, because Fox has won millions of times in the past.

WARIO vs. CERVANTES | Cervantes, because Cervantes has Soul Edge and Wario can't fight.

HWANG vs. PIKACHU | Pikachu, due to awesome electrical powers.

BLACK RANGER vs. IRON MAN | Another toughy. Black Ranger, due to the Brachio Zord.




DEOXYS vs. DARTH VADER | Darth Vader, due to the Force. Second toughest match yet.

ZELTRAX vs. OBI WAN KENOBI | Obi-Wan, due to the Force.

IKE vs. SNAKE | Ike, due to Aether (FEIX) and Counter (SSB).

LINK vs. GANONDORF | What do you think made me guess this?

ZERO vs. SAMUS | Samus, due to different beam types.

MARTH vs. FOX | Marth, due to Falchion.

CERVANTES vs. PIKACHU | Pikachu, due to Volt Tackle and Thunder.

BLACK RANGER vs. winner of previous battle (Cervantes or Pikachu) | Black Ranger, due to Brachio Zord.







BLACK RANGER vs. the winner of the match above

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

DEOXYS vs. SCORPION | Deoxys, due to pwnage shapeshifting attacks.

DARTH VADER vs. NIGHTMARE | Darth Vader, due to Force Grip and pure pwnage.

ZELTRAX vs. SEPHIROTH | Zeltrax, due to Sephiroth's girliness.

OBI WAN KENOBI vs. RATCHET | Obi-Wan, due to the Force and Ratchet's overall suckiness.

WHITE RANGER vs. IKE | Ike, due to Aether. Tough choice.

MARIO vs. SNAKE | Snake, due to his massive arsenal. Another toughy.

*LINK vs. HAWKEYE | Link, because Link is the greatest fighter that's ever existed (fact).

GANONDORF vs. ZANT | Ganondorf, due to the fact that Zant is Ganondorf's pawn.

NARUTO vs. ZERO (Mega Man Zero series) | Zero, due to Naruto's immaturity.

SAMUS vs. BLACK KNIGHT | Samus, due to the Phazon Beam. Toughest choice of all; they're evenly matched.

MARTH vs. CLOUD | Marth, due to Cloud's unwieldly weapon and Marth's uncanny luck.

FOX vs. WOLF | Fox, because Fox has won millions of times in the past.

WARIO vs. CERVANTES | Cervantes, because Cervantes has Soul Edge and Wario can't fight.

HWANG vs. PIKACHU | Pikachu, due to awesome electrical powers.

BLACK RANGER vs. IRON MAN | Another toughy. Black Ranger, due to the Brachio Zord.


*If we're only supposed to do one, consider this one only.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

DEOXYS vs. DARTH VADER | Darth Vader, due to the Force. Second toughest match yet.

ZELTRAX vs. OBI WAN KENOBI | Obi-Wan, due to the Force.

IKE vs. SNAKE | Ike, due to Aether (FEIX) and Counter (SSB).

LINK vs. GANONDORF | What do you think made me guess this?

ZERO vs. SAMUS | Samus, due to different beam types.

MARTH vs. FOX | Marth, due to Falchion.

CERVANTES vs. PIKACHU | Pikachu, due to Volt Tackle and Thunder.

BLACK RANGER vs. winner of previous battle (Cervantes or Pikachu) | Black Ranger, due to Brachio Zord.

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