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Just a few pointers for you, I think you sould make Lava Dragon a level 8 monster and change the cost of Summoning of nightmare dragon from 1000 to 2000 points purely because of the high attack points and level of Nightmare Dragon.


Playability: 8/10

Creativity: 8/10

Originality: 8.5/10

Art: 8.5/10

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Dude, how many forums do you need to post The Seal card in? Stop spamming will you, do you not ever listen? Danilus, YCM and myself inparticular are growing tired of you ignoring every thing we say, if you do not stop - if you make one more new topic that has cards like ones you have already posted, I will do everything in my power to see to it that you are banned permenantly! Do you get the picture moron, or do I need to tell you again? Keep in mind that if you do request further explaination in any other way than private messaging me, you will be banned, for good, IP banned, no making a new account, I will ban very IP you have ever posted on!

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Just post them all in the same thread! It's not that difficult! I did it for eminem93, and I will do it for you, I don't enjoy it, but I will, and don't think it's good for you, if I move them all, they'll be all un-organised. Also put three cards per post atleast, try to put as many as possible in one. Do not think your half-hearted 'apology' has got you in my good books either, don't slip up, or I will do everything in my power to see that you are banned.

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