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My New Rock Deck

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This Deck (Rock) I kinda had help with Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia but I changed up a few things


Rock Deck




Mysterious Puppeteer

Wandering Mummy

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (don't ask my friend wanted me to make an Rock Deck with an BEWD)

Giant Rat 2x

Medusa Worm

Gene-Warped Warwolf



Great Spirit

Megarock Dragon

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Golem Sentry

Castle Gate

Millennium Golem

Des Koala 2x

Swarm of Locusts

Legendary Jujitsu Master

Exxod, Master of The Guard




Giant Trunade

Creature Swap

Monster Reborn

Hammer Shot


Acidic Downpour

Swords of Revealing Light

Book of Moon

Lightning Vortex

Heavy Storm




Just Desserts


Bottomless Shifting Sand

Fairy Box 2x

Needle Ceiling 2x

Dark Deal

Disappear 2x



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kinda looks like the unstopable fortress starter deck with a blue eyes slapped in and a few other random cards. if your going to make a deck work on makeing a deck that works around a set stratagy. mega rock is a nice card to work a deck around. exxod is, frankly, a horible card, its just not worth it. rock decks are not an easy decktype to build because most rock monsters revolve around def and a deck based on def is just not worth it in general. def can and will be broken no exeptions.

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