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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: The Turbo Championship


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I try to make a new 5D's Roleplay, I hope this one goes out well!



KCorp, that is now controlled by Kaiba's son, has started a new Championship in Neo-Domino City. It works exactly as the Battle City Championship, except that you play with D-Wheels and that you don't need to play with ante cards! The prize is said to be about 6 Milliondollars, and almost every Riding Duelist in the world has gathered in neo Domino City to participate!


Make your Character using this form:







Favorite card:



I only accept 3 People to join (besides myself) and you must have 2 Characters!


Account: Kst80

Name: Zero

Age: 18

Personality: Cold, serious

Appearance: Ice Blue Eyes, white hair. Wears a white jacket and blue jeans.

Deck: Ice Deck

Favorite Card: Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

Bio: He wants to be the best duelist in the world, that's why he is in this tournament. His D-Wheel is Ice Blue.


Account: Kst80

Name: Chip

Age: 17

Personality: Nice and allways helps others

Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes. He wears a black jacket and a red shirt. He has blue jeans.

Deck: Dragons

Favorite Card: White-Horned Dragon

Bio: He just plays for fun. He doesn't really want to win, just have fun. For some unknown reason, he has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in his deck. How he got this card is still unknown.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest TheFinalFan

I wish to create a pair of characters for the game.




Name: Kouhi Kawaii

Age: 13

Personality: Cheerful and Peppy!

Deck: Kuriboh and Watapon/Human-Wave Deck

Favorite Card: Winged Kuriboh LV10

Bio: A young girl from Neo Domino City who decided to enter the championship. She wants to win to help her big brother, who is in the hospital due to an horrible accident and needs the money for his operation. She wants to prove that even small cards can win.


Name: Lucius Darque

Age: 18

Personality: Stoic and Pessimistic...

Deck: Dark Counterpart Deck

Favorite Card: Rainbow Dark Dragon

Bio: A serious duelist from the U.S. of A. He has a very negative outlook on life and, for reasons unknown, emits "Negative Duel Energy", which causes depression and sadness in duelists, makes a person's darker qualities come out more easily, and is toxic to Duel Monster spirits.


I hope you like them!

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Account: Legacy Of Stardust

Name: Shane Kazu

Age: 14

Personality: Pretty Friendly, But Has A Temper

Deck: Galaxy Destroyer

Favorite card: Galaxy Destroyer - End Of Hope

Bio: He Has A Special Deck That Was Found In Space. He Won It By Winning A Regional Championship. He Hope To Be The Best Duelist Ever. His D - Wheel Is Black. With Purple Trim

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Account: Excalibur454


Name: Cody

Age: 14

Personality: Smart- mouthed and Tricky. He loves to play pranks on other people on occasion.

Deck: Eraser's Reign

Favorite Card: Eraser Guardian

Bio: Cody has been to Juvi before and learned not to play dangerous pranks on other people (Unless Need). When Cody first got his D-Wheel was when he was working at a D- Wheel fixing store. The last customer that went there forgot his D-Wheel and Cody got it.


Name: Johnny

Age: 14

Personality: Smart and decisive in battle.

Deck: Spell Reactor

Favorite Card: Spell Reactor- Moon

Bio: Johnny got his D- Wheel when he went to a D- Wheel convention. He left his old biker one behind at a D- Wheel fixing shop.

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