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My Pokemon Cards =](UPDATE!!) 31 cards now!


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Well. Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon are my two internet habits. Fusing the two seemed awesome to me, but after i did twenty "Poke-Yug's" or whatever, I kind of thought this was a lot of work with not much result, as in, once i have the card, what then? Also, I know pokemons over done in this area, but alot of the sets are half done-ish, lacking OCG (some of mine do anyway =P), and well, theres only like 2 per set.


I showcase my 25 first cards, part of the kanto set, going up to pikachu.




Rate? Comment? Yes? No? Lobster?


Be gentle though ;D.


(By the way! Images are just basic ones from Google, I plan to Change them into better ones once the sets finished. Keep in note, My first set, im still a rookie.). Finishing Starter evo's are overpowered because it'd take some degree of ability to get them onto the field; As long as your opponent has two cents worth of playing knowledge. =].


PROGRESS: Reading up on Pokemon so i can get card ideas ^^). I'm pretty content with the pictures i have, as with the descriptions/effects. EDIT: Posted 6 more cards. Please Review ^^).


CREDIT FOR ALL IMAGES GOES TO: GOOGLE AND DEVIANTART. (Ill post user names and websites as soon as i go through history.)





























^^ This thing is WAY overpowered. Help on keeping the jist of its effect while not making it OHKO possible? =].



^^ Anyone help clear up the effect? Ocg brainfreeze =[. ^^


^^OCG correction needed, but cant remember proper wording ;D. ^^


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nice idea 6/10

just change some things

When ivysaur destroyes a monster by battle add 1 card with "Venusaur" from your Deck to your hand

charmander/squirtle at the end phase this card is Normal summoned or Flip summoned add 1 "Charmeleon/Wartorttle" from your Deck to your hand

charizard is overpowered with effect wich he keeps 1000 additinal ATK

butterfree When this monster is attacked by a EARTH monster the attacking monsters ATK is halved, lower butterfree's attack to 2200

beedrill also lower atk to 2300

arbok wat attribute is the token ATK/DEF ?

pikachu increase the ATK of all monsters on your side of the by 200 for every monster on your side of the field

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nice idea 6/10

just change some things

When ivysaur destroyes a monster by battle add 1 card with "Venusaur" from your Deck to your hand

charmander/squirtle at the end phase this card is Normal summoned or Flip summoned add 1 "Charmeleon/Wartorttle" from your Deck to your hand

charizard is overpowered with effect wich he keeps 1000 additinal ATK

butterfree When this monster is attacked by a EARTH monster the attacking monsters ATK is halved' date=' lower butterfree's attack to 2200

beedrill also lower atk to 2300

arbok wat attribute is the token ATK/DEF ?

pikachu increase the ATK of all monsters on your side of the by 200 for every monster on your side of the field



Oo. hehe ^__^

Thanks for the feedback. =D.

Suprised me that you read all of them =o.

But yeah, i know what your talking about.

as soon as i posted them and looked, i was just "Oh crap. I did not just type that".

Anyway. Ill Take your suggestions practically and try to improve.




EDIT: Okay. Well, I planned to do Token and fusion stuff (Including shadow pokes. ^__^) At the end, since they dont have a national dex number. I guess i could just put up slime token next to arbok =D.

*Also* Changed things were i thought appropriate from your feedback ;D. (Ie: Typo's, Attack strength, Charizard Being practically immortal Etc) Sorry if im taking this a little full on, just trying to leave a good impression ;D.

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Hey Everyone =D.

This is pretty much a bump update, but i've added Monster cards up to nidoqueen, and my first spell card =D.

Reviews? Comments? ratings? recommendations? Tacos?

All would be appreciated ;D.



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some have very bad pics man try to improve on that...please? lol


Hm. Yeah i spose i could' date=' But sources are limited, as most poke pics around are the ones with the white backrounds, and i seriously cant stand that ^___^. So sometimes i sacrifice a little quality for backrounds ;D. (especially ekans.. *shudders*). =D.



And guy above me, thanks =D. I'll check them out soon ;D.



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Wow. someone bumped my thread for me ^^).

Thank you, the time spent was long.

Very long.

*Stops self from saying the male analogy everyones thinking*




Since someone bumped my thread for me, i may as well offer some sort of update. First, Im no longer updating the previous cards. *Glares at charmeleons picture*. Since that has held me back about a week, i've desided to bury this and continue on from Nidoran M. I might post a new thread, might not. These ones will take time, as ive grown better at card making, and feel i should try and show it.




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hmm. good first set there 2sick4u. I think the moon stone was a bit overpowered there about the inflicting 1000 life points directly.

also about pikachu, lol popularity? its ok, but, lol...

yes, sandslash is overpowered. maybe just flip a coin instead?


but overall, great 7/10

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I know my backrounds are depressing.. =(. I plan to now leave this behind, and try to show my improvements... Since i seriously couldn't care for ekans having a good image anymore. Freaking tosser of a pokemon =]. Thanks for the feedback though =D.



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I am the one who did a Pokémon set and you told me that : FRANKLY, I THINK THEY SUCK! And I DO REALLY think it when I say it too. Try improving men, I'm Impulsive, always there for u.



... Take a personal stab at my cards, why don't you. Seriously, if you're skins that thin, don't bother being so open. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for making peace with you, as long as you keep the dagger away from my back. Sheesh.



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