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Spirited Skirmisher - Valkyrie Tuner Love


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I made a Valkyrie Deck recently, so I was in the mood for some Fairy monster making, and here we got a pretty simple Tuner, which is able to bring itself out after a battle, and is able to Synchro Summon during the Battle Phase, it's completely generic, making it not only useful in Valkyrie, but pretty much in any Deck that can or wants to Synchro Summon, and makes it a great tool for getting in a new monster to attack with in the Battle Phase.



If a monster you control battles an opponent's monster, at the end of the Damage Step: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During the Battle Phase, you can (Quick Effect): Immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster using this card you control as material. You can only use each effect of "Spirited Skirmisher" once per turn.


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