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no fire fang CAN hit it

http://youtube.com/watch?v=i4y5OSzyzas&feature=related its a glitch in the game

swift cant because it just ignores accresy modfication (same as it cannot hit fly or dig)

and for the people who dont know what that is let me explain

a move with 100 on its accrusy cannot miss
when some one uses sand attack or double team all moves get that thing decreased by ten

what swift and shock wave etc do is ignore that and always stay on 100

and besides spirittomb is a ghost anyway
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100 does not insure a Hit there are still many things to mess with in a battle...but yeah pretty much 99.9% of the time will hit.


But that video he said himself it was just a glitch because spirit tomb isnt supposed to have wonder G. so thats why that doesnt mean it will work.


and that reminds me in the first pokemon stadium game if you used swift on a digging pokemon it would hit for some reason but wouldnt effect flying.

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^So if that is true any move should hit it, no?

Because if a normal move will then they all should, however they dont so...you never know what to expect with a hacked pokemon...sadly you dont know if it is hacked until its to late...

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