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4Kids ruins GX even more..

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THANK GOODNESS! LittleKuriboh is finally writing for Yugioh GX! Now it will finally be worth watching!


P.S. That really does sound like stuff LK would say. I've seen every Yu-Gi-Oh parody he's made. Some of them I stopped watching because I didn't like it. (The music videos) I like the parodies better.

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AHAHAHAHA. I find that endlessly amusing

You and me both.



THANK GOODNESS! LittleKuriboh is finally writing for Yugioh GX! Now it will finally be worth watching!


P.S. That really does sound like stuff LK would say. I've seen every Yu-Gi-Oh parody he's made. Some of them I stopped watching because I didn't like it. (The music videos) I like the parodies better.

I've only seen some of the Yugioh Abridged but I can see how the relation between his work and that episode.


Yeah, but I'm still not watching it. If I ever catch up with 4kids I am going to make them feel pain for every syllable they made Johan utter in that ridiculas voice (one second of it and I hated it, just ONE second T_T)
Johan's voice is pretty bad, but they've done worse.
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You won't believe how badly they cocked Rei up (Blaire to the wannabes), in season one of the original GX she's 12, but in 4kids she's 8, so this means that in season 2 she's gone through puberty and had a growth spurt of a good foot at the age of nine.....





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They did the same thing with Rebecca in the origional Yugioh...


And the most threatening thing a peson can do is point their fingers at you, I mean 'wow, a finger, that's sooooo scary'..............They could at least have edited it to be something more, believable, what kind of mindless goons point their fingers at people!!!


Damn I'm rambling now.....

"Don't move or we'll shoot you with out invisible guns!"

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