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Finished, Over, and Fin. Please move to finished contest.


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If I'm not allowed to do this please notify me.


Okay, you have to make at least 3 splices. It must be an evolution line. You may have no more than 5 splices in an evolution line unless you add a baby splice, then it can be 6. You may not use any starter Pokemon in the splices. You must state which Pokemon you spliced for each splice. Eggs count as a splice, in which case you dont need to specify wich eggs u used for it.



1st: 2 rep and 45 points

2nd: 1 rep and 20 points or 2 rep you choose which

3rd: 15 points





If i get less than 5 people that enter, then there will only be the prize for first and second place and second place will be given 1 rep, and first will be given 2 reps and 25 points. Also, 3rd will be given a free splice from me of their choice of pokemon Max is 3 (I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst)


This contest ends May 11th, at 5 P.M. my time, i live in the lower peninsula of Michigan so you can figure it out.




The Aquaintance (reserved)

Jadewiz (reserved)

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an evolution line is Ex: Gastly Haunter Gengar

but you make your own evolution line.


i guess you can enter scratches but the better be really good to look like they could be real pokemon otherwise they won't win.


as long as the splices resemble each other in some way (they have to be an evolution line) I don't care what is spliced together as long as you don't use any of the starter pokemon.

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Name:Vix (Shinx + Charmander



Description:As A Cub Vix's Fire Has Not Grown to its Maximum The Fire On its Tail Is Just A Birthmark



Name:Vixen (Luxio + Charmeleon)



Description:Now That Vixen has Fully Grown And Gained Its Fire It Must travel By Itself And Find A Mate



Xivinite: ( Luxray + Charizard



Description:After Its Cub Vix Is Fully Grown Vixen Will Evolve Into Xivinite


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