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My Golem Deck


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This is my Golem Deck I made by putting in a lot of cards I bought from the card store in town. Using OCG cards.


Tribute Monsters:


3x Big Piece Golem

2x The Wicked Dreadroot


Non-Tribute Monsters:


3x Mid Piece Golem

3x Small Piece Golem

2x Dummy Golem

2x Dark Resonator

1x Sangan

2x Stone Statue of the Aztecs




2x Dark Calling

2x Polymerization

1x Future Fusion

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Smashing Grounds

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm




3x Dark Bribe

2x Scrapiron Scarecrow

3x BTH

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Solemn Judgment


Extra Deck:


2x Multi Piece Golem

2x E-Hero Dark Gaia

1x Red Daemon's Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary


Total: 40/6


And the Incomplete Side-Deck:


2x Dimension Fusion

2x CyDra

3x Metal Reflect Slime



This deck won a Unofficial Tournament in the Store where I bought the cards. I need suggestions on what more I can put in the Side-Deck and in the Deck. The Strategy is to get the strongest cards out to crush the opponent.

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