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been messing around with different lightlord builds recently, trying out a Beast Variant with Baboon and Manticores, with liek 3 Druids, 3 Raikou, 3 Wulf etc.


heres another version i am testing based on one which apparently won a tournie, and this is more or less the build i wanted to make in the first place ^^


note that i know its Lightsworn in english but it is a competely retarded name change so will keep calling them lightlords.


lightlords - 44 cards


x3 Judgement Dragon

x2 Destiny Hero - Plasma

x3 Lightlord Summoner Luminous

x3 Lightlord Beastwulf ( i think Ultra too wtf)

x3 Lightlord Magician Leila (Ultra wtf)

x3 Herald of Creation

x3 Lightlord Hunter, Raikou

x2 Lightlord Warrior Garos

x2 Lightlord Paladin Jean

Elemental Hero - Stratos

Exiled Force


x3 Cold Wave

x3 Solar Exchange / Recharge

x2 Trade-In

x2 Reinforcement of the Army

x2 Pot of Avarice

x2 My Body as a Shield

Heavy Storm

Card Destruction


x2 Royal Decree


but gunna prob make a few changes to this though, not entirely convinced by Pot version might go d-draws like in circle version

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Eh...I prefer pure Lightlords.


Herald of Creaton is a good card, but I think it's too slow. Use Monster Reincarnation instead. It's a -1, but that doesn't matter since you're probably about to win.


Garos has to be at 3.


Card Destruction isn't really necessary. You should be able to get Lightlords to the Grave easily enough with their own mill effects, Solar Exchange, and Monster Reincarnation.


What's your objective in running Plasma? He makes Trade-In and Stratos workable, but I don't see how he helps Judgment Dragon win.


My Body as a shield?

Cold Wave is meh in this deck.


Lastly, PoA is easy to use in this deck, but is counter-productive to the win condition. Try out D-Draws.


Also, if you do run Plasma, then you may want to consider Phantom of Chaos. Then again... perhaps not.

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