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Battle Arena


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Welcome to the Battle Arena! Battle tones of players! Learn cheats codes to win more battles! Enter tourneys and become a master (when there is a tourney in will be in the card contest section)! Battle today!


How To Battle And The Rules:


How to Battle:

To battle you need BP (battle points). It cost one BP per battle. You can buy these in my BP, Points And Rep shop. Click on the URL to go to the shop http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=39613 The battle begins when both players have summoned there cards. Each player attacks their opponent's monster's defense points. When a monster attacks the other monster subtract the amount of attack points from the other monsters defense points. The remainder is how much defense points left. Effects don't count in arena. When a monsters defense points hits 0 it is destroyed and the other player wins. (If a monster's defense is at 0 it is destroyed after it attack.




1. NO cussing.

2. This is not a place for arguing.

3. If a monster's attack or defense reaches 3000 the defense/ attack points must be 0-1000.

4. A monster's attack and defense cannot go higher than 3000.

5. NO betting anything other than points.




Have Fun!

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