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Tyranno Infinity


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The monsters you will need are:


A lot of Reckless Greeds

A lot of Pot of Greeds

Tyranno Infinity

15 Dinosaur-Type Monsters

A lot of monsters with high DEF


How to do it:


1.First Summon the high DEF monsters in Defense mode,if you have one in your hand.

2.Then activate one Reckless Greed or one Pot of Greed, if you have one in your hand.

3.Hopefully you will get some Dinosaur-Type Monsters, if so Remove them from Play, if not end your turn.

4.Next turn, activate a Reckless Greed or a Pot of Greed, follow the rest of Step Two.

5. Once you have at least 5 Dinosaur-Type Monsters removed from play, summon Tyranno Infinity in attack mode if you have it in your hand. If not keep doing steps 2-4 until you have Infinity Tyranno in your hand. Then summon it, it's ATK should be at least 5000 ATK points.


Hope I did it right. Feedback is appreciated.

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This strategy fails so hard that nobody can note every little bit that isn't right, so let's all do a little part.


Here comes my part.



3.Hopefully you will get some Dinosaur-Type Monsters' date=' if so Remove them from Play, if not end your turn.




How do you want to remove them from play? You haven't listed any cards that remove cards in your hand from play.



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