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Neos Deck

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i made this deck recently and i wanted to get a review. so view and tell me what you think.

total 43

Monsters 18

E-hero neos x2

E-hero neos alius x2

E-hero prisma x2

rainbow dragon x1

neo-spacian dark panther x1

neo-spacian flare scarab x1

neo-spacian glow moss x1

neo-spacian grand mole x1

neo-spacian aqua dolphin x1

neo-spacian air humming bird x1

E-hero necroshade x1

mashmallon x1

winged kuriboh x1

sangan x1

kaiser sea horse x1


Spells 19

neo space x2

E-emergency call x2

O-oversoul x2

lightning vortex x2

instant neo space x1

contact out x1

mst x1

terraforming x1

monster reborn x1

future fusion x1

polymerization x1

premature burial x1

magical mallet x1

heavy storm x1

light laser x1


Traps 6

sakuretsu armor x2

magic jammer x1

waboku x1

negate attack x1

royal decree x1



rainbow neosx1

grand neosx1

flare neosx1

aqua neosx1

glow neosx1

air neosx1

dark neosx1


well that's it, so tell me what i could do to make it better because i fell that it still needs work.

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Best thing I can say is don't use this deck, but if you want some help.


Take out:

rainbow dragon

winged kuriboh

future fusion


light laser

magic jammer

contact out



Convert Contact x2

neo-spacian air humming bird

Swords of Revealing Light


It's still really bad, but that will make it a bit better

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Hmm, a Neos Deck. I hope that Rainbow Neos/Dragon are taken out, but other than that, I think this is a great idea. My Neos deck pales in comparison to yours, I lack the duel monsters staples(Premature, Oversoul, etc.)

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why won't someone run a chaos neos

it's easy i do it all the time i show you my best way to get it out

Hand: Neos, Fake hero, common soul, dark panther.

Grave: Glow moss.

Field: call of the huanted

activate C.OT.H, bring back glow moss, play common soul bring dark panther out. Then activate fake hero then contact fusion easy!

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