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Remixed Graphics *Owned by Remix Duelist and 72night*


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OCG King:

OCGKingSignature.png [x]



-.png [x]


Tyranno Kenzan :

KenzanSignature.png [x]


God Splice: Accepted [ ]


Zebra Wearing Trench Coat: Accepted [ ]


ferroboy720: Unaccepted. Please, post a Render in IMG and spoiler, please.


God Hunter: Unaccepted. Please, post a larger image of a Render in IMG and spoiler, please.


Stardust Dragon: Unaccepted. Please, post a larger image of a Render in IMG and spoiler, please.


Thank you.

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Ok so I recieved this from Remix like a week ago and I want to use it:






My order is for 72night ^_^


I want a Signiture/Banner:


Text- Slash

Render: [spoiler=Render]CG20Girls201.png


Extra Info: Try to make it look cool ;)

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God Splice: Accepted [ ]


Zebra Wearing Trench Coat: Accepted [ ]


The Great Ichigo: Accepted [ ]




SlashSignature2.png [x]


Sorry, but I just had to do that sig first. XD

I will try to finish the rest later after I come back from school.

Thank you.


i did put it in a spoiler it is an IMG what do u mean bigger?

Please, provide a larger render. Thank you.

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^ You can have it for free.



No more requests, please. Since Remix isn't present in this shop anymore, neither will I.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will not fulfill any orders asked that I have not fulfilled already. Thank you.

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