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Taking on the World Duel Carnival!


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Hello, fine peoples!

Been playing a lot of World Duel Carnival on my 3DS recently. I've run through all the characters in the main story mode with the condition: "every time I win, I can swap out one card from my deck. If my extra deck is not full, I can add 1 card to it in addition to the swap".

It was an interesting challenge because I could change some underlying aspects of the character decks, but I couldn't fully overhaul the deck because each character's campaign consisted of 11 total duels. For example, I started with Quattro's Gimmick Puppet deck and I was able to take out the brickier Gimmick Puppets to add Machina Fortress and 3 Machina Gearframe, however even in the last duel I was able to summon Gimmick Puppet of Leo.

Anyways, I decided to take this to the logical extreme and now I'm starting the last duelist's campaign.

The last duelist is essentially the Tag Force games' protagonist, i.e. the Vagabond from Duel Links. Unlike the rest, he duels every character in the game in order to get to his ending. This consists of ~40 duels.

To start, I am going to have a fully randomized deck of 40 cards (20 monsters, 10 spells, and 10 traps) and only 5 extra deck cards. Further, when I win, I will choose monster, spell or trap and get a choice of 1 of 3 random cards to swap into my deck. For the Extra Deck, I'll probably usually randomize 1 of 3 Xyzs (or maybe Syncs, depending on how my deck shapes) to swap in. Anyone here can also suggest a number which I'll use in my next random choice.

I'll keep my initial card list, current card list and change log in the OP with details in further posts.

[spoiler=Original Card List]

Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake
Caligo Claw Crow
Crimson Sentry
Cybernetic Magician
Dupe Frog
Earthbound Immortal Uru
Goe Goe the Galant Ninja
Gravekeeper's Assailant
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
Kidmodo Dragon
Magna Drago
Reptilianne Medusa
Sunlight Unicorn
Yamata Dragon

Celestial Transformation
Creature Swap
Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
Magicians Unite
Noble Arms - Caliburn
Ritual of Grace + Divine Grace Northwemko*
Soul of Fire
Weights & Zenmaisures

Black Thunder
Bottomless Trap Hole
Divine Relic Mjollnir
DNA Transplant
Gladiator Lash
Madolche Tea Break
Rising Energy
Solemn Wishes
Soul Strike

Bahamut Shark
Bujintei Kagutsuchi
Evilswarm Nightmare
Mermail Abyssgaios
Number 66: Master Key Beetle

[spoiler=Change Log]
Duel 1: put in "Mataza the Zapper".  Took out "Divine Relic Mjollnir".  Added "Gagagigo the Risen".
Duel 2: put in "The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter".  Took out "Weights and Zenmeisures".  Added "Evilswarm Ouroboros".

Duel 3: put in "Spell Vanishing".  Took out "Gladiator Lash".  Added "Submersable Carrier Aero Shark".

Duel 4: put in "Royal Swamp Eel".  Took out "Soul of Fire".  Added "Daigusto Phoenix".

Duel 5: put in "Armored Lizard".  Took out "Ritual of Grace" & "Divine Grace Northwemko".  Added "Maestroke the Symphony Djinn".

[spoiler=Current Card List]
Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake
Caligo Claw Crow
Crimson Sentry
Cybernetic Magician
Dupe Frog
Earthbound Immortal Uru
Goe Goe the Galant Ninja
Gravekeeper's Assailant
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
Kidmodo Dragon
Magna Drago
Reptilianne Medusa
Sunlight Unicorn
Yamata Dragon

Mataza the Zapper

The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter

Royal Swamp Eel

Armored Lizard

Celestial Transformation
Creature Swap
Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
Magicians Unite
Noble Arms - Caliburn

Black Thunder
Bottomless Trap Hole
DNA Transplant
Madolche Tea Break
Rising Energy
Solemn Wishes
Soul Strike

Spell Vanishing

Bahamut Shark
Bujintei Kagutsuchi
Evilswarm Nightmare
Mermail Abyssgaios
Number 66: Master Key Beetle

Gagagigo the Risen

Evilswarm Ouroboros

Submersable Carrier Aero Shark

Daigusto Phoenix

Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

Some duels will definitely be easier than others. I dunno if I'll even be able to get through it all, but it should be interesting to try!

I'll try to update after every duel/few duels.

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Whew, took a while to get everything together.  Didn't even get to look at my deck properly so...




Well, it sucks, but it does have a few things going for it.  The Blackwing, Cybernetic Magician and Reptilliane make decent enough boss monsters until I can get enough Level 4 DARKs to summon the Evilswarm and Master Key Beetle.  I got really lucky with Bottomless and Creature Swap.  All that said, 12 cards of my deck are completely unusable mostly because they are archetype-locked.  For now, I just have to get lucky in my duels.


I think for my first swap I'll aim for a new monster in place of Divine Relic Mjollnir.  It can't hurt to go for a low level monster considering how top-heavy my deck is right now.

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Bounced across a couple duelists after quick losses but then pulled out my first lucky win vs Cody Callus (Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry deck)!


Time for the roulette!

Card 1950: Mataza the Zapper

Card 1900: Majestic Mech - Ohka

Card 260: Beautiful Beast Trainer


Decided to grab Mataza the Zapper. Was actually considering MM - Ohka because it'd open up the use of Celestial Transformation as well as being NS-able without tributes in case I need something temporary. But I didn't feel good about it considering the number of high level monsters I already have.


Now for Ex Deck Roulette!

57: Gagagigo the Risen

22: Comics Hero King Arthur

3: Alchemic Magician


Decided to go with my boy Gagagigo. It'll be difficult to tailor my deck to a type, and even though Gigo needs 3 mats, it has significantly higher ATK than a lot of the decks around. If I get good level 4s, it could be good to have.



*that evening*


I decided to go up against Quattro (Gimmick Puppets) next since I figured I could beat over a lot of his lvl 4s and he has quite a few brick cards between his level 8s, Dark Armed Dragon, and Puppet Ritual.


...about 10 duels and some hair-pulling later, and I finally get a lucky game where I beat him down with Mataza the Zapper (my boy already putting in work!) and Sunlight Unicorn.


Going for another monster, c'mon lady luck!

70: Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher

2807: Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

2877: The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter


Took out Weights and Zenmeisures for the Agent of Miracles. It really pains me to pass over Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth since it's probably one of my favorite cards, but the Agent is a Level 4 beater that also enables Celestial Transformation.


And now for an Xyz:

46: Evilswarm Ouroboros

115: Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction

141: Number 74: Master of Blades


Le sigh.. Ouroboros is the clear choice here, but now it saddens me because now I'll probably never summon Gagagigo, even if I do get a chance to summon it. Oh well, here's to another Rank 4!

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[spoiler=Duel 3]Alright, I got an easy win! This time was a duel against Charlie McCay (Coin toss/Lucky Straight deck) who probably has the lowest rated deck in the game. A win's a win though, so now for my spoils:

I'm gonna go for a trap this time:
415: Interdimensional Warp
497: Micro Ray
722: Spell Vanishing

Welp, Spell Vanishing is the only one I could really use for now. It's actually pretty good because I don't have much backrow hate and I tend to have a lot of cards trapped in my hand anyway. In exchange, I'm taking out Gladiator Lash. Having 41 cards in my deck is really getting under my skin though; might just take out the Ritual stuff soon just to cut 2 bricks for 1.

...And now for an Xyz:
114: Number 25: Force Focus
172: Submersible Carrier Aero Shark
180: Shining Elf

Decided to go with Aero Shark. It's a generic Rank 3 with a higher ATK threshold than any of my non-tribute monsters. Shining Angel sorta has more ATK, but it does so on a reactive basis which... I can't really use for now (the longer the duels go the more likely I'll lose). Also, bonus, Bahamut Shark now has a target to summon!

[spoiler=Duel 4]*3.5 hours later*

I finally defeated Number 96 (Level/Rank 2 spam). It took... Way longer than I expected. 96's deck didn't have Mirror Force and I figured I could take down level 2s with my meagre set of monsters, but it was not nearly as easy as I'd hoped.

Not gonna vent too long about it though, onto the monster roulette:
19: Acid Crawler
2337: Pixie Knight
2508: Royal Swamp Eel

No brainer. The Eel is Level 4 with 1700 ATK. The fact I kept losing to a monster w/ 1600 ATK showed me I need more monsters with just raw strength. Pixie Knight's effect is interesting, but it's kinda uncontrollable at this point. Removed "Soul of Fire".

As for the ED:
37: Daigusto Phoenix
167: Princess Cologne
170: Shark Caesar

Mm... All of them are actually useful in their own way. I think I'll go with Phoenix though. It's both easy to summon and its effect is both beneficial for itself and any WIND monster I manage to pick up. Cologne has an effect specific to monsters I'm trying to avoid using (normals). That said, she's a solid defense card and only needs 2 materials. Caesar is a powerful card, but 3 mats is just too much for me to effectively use.

[spoiler=Duel 5]*about 4 duels later*

Nice, beat Striker Crossit (Level 5 spam/Playmaker OTK). Apparently he was one of the lowest rated duelists, but his Mirror Forces and Fiendish Chains kept me from snagging an easy victory. Drawing into more competent monsters when my field (inevitably) blew up really helped. I might be able to challenge Dr. Faker next...

Me needs more monsters!
174: Armored Lizard
2312: Pharaoh's Servant
3250: Worm Noble

Welp, there are good packs, and then there's packs with 2 Normal monsters and a Level 6 Worm with next to no offensive capability. Honestly, I'ma go with Armored Lizard here. Worm Noble is just another hard brick for now and its effect just doesn't make up for it. Removing the Ritual stuff.

88: Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
181: Sumo King Dog
120: Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings

Dang, this was a good spin! All three have potential, but I'ma go with Maestroke. It's just really good at being an offensive or defensive option without any more hassle than 2 Level 4s. Sumo King Dog is ridiculously good in the game (anime-only card: 2600 ATK, quick-effect trap negator), but it needs 2 Level 4 Beasts. If I'm honest though, I don't know if there's a card that would definitely beat out Maestroke given how my deck is shaping up.

[spoiler Deck flow and thoughts]
While it's still pretty pointless to talk about this right now, there are things I'm doing with my card choices, especially in the order of taking OUT cards. Right now, Amplifier and Zektkaliber are 2 absolutely useless cards, however I haven't removed them at this point because of Sunlight Unicorn. I do have means of using the cards as discard fodder (Medusa/Cybernetic Magician), so being able to add them to hand as a +1 is helpful even if I can't use the cards themselves. As for my choices on what to remove, I'd focus on things that I'm less likely to pull/Summon (which is why I ditched Mjollnir over, say, Battle-Scarred).

Out of all the cards in my deck, the MVP has definitely been Creature Swap. The only duel that hasn't involved Creature Swap in some way was vs 96. In particular, I've swapped over Chewbone twice which usually gave me enough tribute fodder to punch through the rest of the duel.

So far, I've only Xyz'd Aero shark. It didn't hurt, but I didn't win with it either. On the whole, I was pretty accurate in my original assessment on my boss monsters: Reptilliane Medusa and Cybernetic Magician in particular have been super helpful.

Gonna update card changes and put in my current deck list later tonight.

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Played a bit last night but couldn't get a single win.


There are some characters that seem to have inconsistent decks (Yuma + The Sparrow), while there are others that have a low power ceiling (Dr. Faker and Brooke Walker).


Unfortunately, I usually cannot defeat the former duelists because my deck is so slow it lets them pull their inconsistent combos together, and I cannot defeat the latter ones because their monsters can destroy mine before I can summon something over their power threshold. ...also Mirror Force.


I'll probably play some more on Friday (too busy to sink hours into the game rn), but if things still do not go well, I might have to make an addendum to the rules.

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