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[CHIM] Yatanomisaki the Mechanical Bird

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Well dang CyDras got a new toy.


And it gets more uses out of those CyDra Cores.





Yatanomisaki the Mechanical Bird

LIGHT/Machine-Type Effect Monster/Level 5/2050 ATK/2050 DEF


Lore: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by Tributing 1 Normal Summoned/Set monster. You can only use each of the following effects of "Yatanomisaki the Mechanical Bird" once per turn.

● During your Main Phase, if this card was Normal or Special Summoned this turn, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 monster, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except monsters with the same original Type as that monster.
● If this card that was Special Summoned by its own effect is Tributed: Gain 2050 LP.
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Man that art is beautiful.  I'd be lying if I say I didn't want the card mostly for that art.


Anyways, even outside CyDra, this is just a really easy to splash card for any deck that needs that extra Normal Summon.  The restriction isn't too bad either since the effect timing is pretty flexible.


Definitely wanna try this out in some deck... but I really want it for dat art tho.

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Note that this technically in the same Series as Metal Snake - Murakumo no Orochi so its safe to say tge possible OCG being Metal Bird - Yata no Misaki


Its also share trait being Level 5 or Higher Machine Monster with 50-ended ATK


Opinion wise is about the same as what you guys mention

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Monarchs can get some mileage out of this. If you're low on tribute fodder, or just need to trigger one effect before another, (say, a mobius before something like a caius, or vice versa) then this is a quick way to get such plays off while restoring life points. You may be locked into type for special summons, but monarchs don't care too much about that, turn by turn, as they only really need one big boy on board to work, and a way to put on extra pressure chaining stormforth is always welcome. 


also, yeah, that art is gorgeous.

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