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[TCG] Fist of the Gadgets Pack Artwork

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Source: https://ygorganization.com/thatsabiggadget/


sudden is sudden?


new gadget monster, the lady is either new archetype or rumored to be new Fire Fist, and Summoned Skull.


the latter is not as exciting as much given the late sheet-show of a support they got


That monster on the left is Exceeds Summoned Skull, so they may be continuing the support-though that is already a released card.


Yeah though, Fire Fists could use some more feasible tech options. Beast-Warriors in general, really, but I understand how Zoodiacs effed them over for all time ruined the first impressions when they got meta.

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Can't wait to see the new Gadget supports


Not sure what they're gonna do with Summoned Skull tho, maybe new Archfiend cards?


As for the Lady...by the looks of her outfit and the Pigeon-like mist behind her, I'm pretty sure it's Fire Fist

This pack has been announced to release the Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz versions of Summon Skull, so yea that is why Exceed Summon Skull is on the pack.

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I don't think Summoned Skull will get any TCG-Exclusive support here sadly. Just an ideal place to import them. The reason is, Entities didn't get any more support when they imported the rest of them last year in Shadows in Valhalla.


I would love it if they did though. I'm always happy with more Archfiends.

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