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Smokescreening? [Mystic Mine]

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So I've loved the idea of running a smokescreen deck for ages.


For those who don't know: Smokescreening is siding in all fifteen side deck cards in order to turn your deck from one thing into something completely different.  It is meant to catch people off guard and make cards that they might have sided in against your original strategy useless.  While it is very interesting in concept, I don't think I've ever seen this idea implemented at all.


That being said, I think the meta's got a prime smokescreen deck waiting in the wings: Mystic Mine.  The burn variant can easily snatch a victory against unsuspecting decks and because of how the deck works, what will be sided in is fairly obvious (Spell/Trap removal).  At that point, you can smokescreen your deck, tossing in an entirely different strategy.


For this to work, 1) The initial Mystic Mine burn variant has to be a bit different in build than some of the ones people have been showcasing (probably more handtraps, probably less super restrictive draw cards - Card of Demise, etc.) and 2) You'd probably need to build your smokescreen deck to be able to work going second.  This second point is the most critical and is the key to securing a match win.



Now this is all just theory.  It seems like the pieces should fit together perfectly, but I don't have any idea what would be a good deck to smokescreen into.  I know MM-Sky Striker is a thing in the OCG, but killing quick with something like Crusadia might be a better way to go.  Anyways, I'd like to test this out maybe on 'pro or something, but any suggestions would be very welcome!


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My out of touch ass is thinking trickstars since theyre burny too, and their core isnt huge iirc.


But maybe you're right to think hard and fast as a switch up, something something invoked?


Invoked might not be too bad as you wouldn't have to take out the field spell search stuff.  Running a Kaiju package in general might also give that extra utility.  Definitely worth trying out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't see a necro limit here I go


I think I got myself a working smokescreen.


Tried spirits with the cave since ya jnow empty monster zones with some aromas in the sides but I couldnt get proprtions right. Went with something a lil more versatile though

(spoiler: it's not monster heavy per se)



3 Lilith lament lady


Chain strike

3 MysMine


Chain Dispel

2 Compulse Evac

3 imperial iron wall

Just desserts

3 metaverse

2 ojama trio

2 Paleo Canadia

3 paleo dinomis

Paleo eldo

Paleo Hallu

3 Paleo marrella

3 paleo olen

3 paleo pikaia

3 secret barrel

2 secret blast



2 defender of netherworld labyrinth (normal monster link guy)

2 Marincess anemone

Me email Abysslacia

Cat shark

#22 crumble logos

3 paleo animal

3 paleo opa

Sky cavalry

Toadally awesome



2 Ice barrier medium

3 nimble beaver

2 ice barrier prior

2 ice barrier secret guards

Ice barrier triangle magic

3 ice barrier medallion

2 temple of king




Play the stall game to get a massive chain burn game 1 then switch your negate switches the other way and go ham game 2/3


Havent tested yet but in theory it should work.

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