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Hioco's Pokemon splice archive


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Then what am I?


1st. - 1/5; You should've added another one of the fins on the head, it's too far to it's left to look okay. Not really a splice, just one spliced part.

2nd - 0/5; Bad color mix. Wings are attatched to face. Pixel-errors. Parts cut out.

3rd - 0/5; Not much done but change the colors, which are horrible. The flames are poorly spliced.

4th - 0/5; It's obvious, look at it. Poorly spliced. Bone sticking out of head. Alot of pixel-errors.

5th - 1/5; Eh, it's ok. The colors are bad on a Medicham, and the tree sticking out is cutting out half of the head, and it's three times the size.

6th - 2/5; The best on on the sheet. Should change the colors though. Little pixel-errors.

7th - 0/5; Poorly spliced. Bad colors. Head is bigger than body.

8th - 0/5; Poorly spliced. Copied and pasted without editing.

9th - 0/5; Poorly spliced. Bad colors. Fire sticks out of nowhere.

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