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[Written] Odd-Eyes Sawblade Dragon


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Oddly my third attempt posting this, didn't show up the first two times :o Anyway uh...


EDIT: Seems when i include the image i have it won't let me post it so uh....now its written :P



Odd-Eyes Sawblade Dragon

Link 3

Down Right / Down / Down Left




2+ Pendulum monsters
When this card is Link Summoned: You can add 1 Pendulum monster from your Deck to your Hand whose level is equal to or lower than the number of Pendulum Monsters face-up in your extra deck. When 3 monsters are Special Summoned to Zones this card points to at the same time: Double this card's ATK, until the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "Odd-Eyes Sawblade Dragon" once per turn.

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