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Zombie deck (kinda n00by)


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3x regenerating mummy

2x royal keeper

3x master kyonshee

1x patrician of darkness

1x despair from the dark

1x ryu kokki

1x spirit reaper

2x fear from the dark

1x zombie master

3x poison mummy

1x big eye



1x book of life

1x monster reborn

1x enemy controller

1x back to square one

2x call of the mummy

1x heavy storm

1x mystical space typhoon

1x lightning vortex

1x giant trunade

1x sword of revealing light



3x sakuretsu armour

1x torrential tribute

1x negate attack

1x threatening roar

1x ojama trio

1x waboku

1x tutan mask

1x bottomless trap hole

1x trap jammer

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ojama trio no

tutan mask no

negate attack no

trap jammer no

sak armour no

waboku no


3x Solemn judgement yes

Mirror Force Yes


Back to square one no


2x Book of Life Yes


Big eye no

3x Master Kyonshee no

2x Royal Keeper no

Patrician of Darkness no


+2x Zombie master yes

3x Pyramid Turtle yes

Il Bud Yes

+1x Ryu Kokki yes

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base deck liek this


il blud

zombiemaster x3

pyramid turtle x3

ryu kikki x3

cyber dragon x2

spirit reaper

vampire curse

vampire lord x2

regen mummy x3


card of safe return x3

book of life x3

monster reborn

premature burial

heavy storm

mystical space typhoon


then anything else is just splashable cards

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