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my deck


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here are some of my cards i'm not taking any advise (maybe a little) but not much



1x sakuretsu armor

3x waboku

2x trap hole

1x draining shield

1x nightmare wheel

1x threatening roar



1x big bang shot

1x snatch steal

1x dark hole

1x pot of greed

1x fissure

1x graceful charity

1x change of heart

1x premature burial

1x raigeki


chaos monsters

1x chaos emporer dragon - envoy of the end

1x chaos sorcerer



5 stars and higher

1x mystical knight of jackel

1x caius the shadow monarch

1x guardian sphinx

1x spell canceller


4 stars and under

2x giant orc

2x maha vailo

1x neo spacian air hummingbird

1x exiled force

1x witch of the black forest

1x stone statue of the aztecs

1x breaker the magical warrior

1x bazoo the soul eater

1x zombyra the dark

1x spirit reaper

1x d.d. warrior lady

1x sangan

1x helping robo for combat

1x kycoo the ghost destroyer


41 cards

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here are some of my cards i'm not taking any advise (maybe a little) but not much


Oh boy...


If you're going to make a Chaos Deck' date=' be sure it's full of Light and Dark monsters.



my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw

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here are some of my cards i'm not taking any advise (maybe a little) but not much


Oh boy...


If you're going to make a Chaos Deck' date=' be sure it's full of Light and Dark monsters.



my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Not against a half-decent opponent, you can't.

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".


Which, in turn, is bad.

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".


Which, in turn, is bad.

i beat my friend 99.9% of the time

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".


Which, in turn, is bad.

i beat my friend 99.9% of the time

What kind of deck does your friend use?


Also, why did you post this if you aren't going to take advice?

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".


Which, in turn, is bad.

i beat my friend 99.9% of the time

I'm assuming that your friend runs cards like Professor Oak and Get Out of Jail Free to win, right?

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my deck doesnt rely on the chaos monsters it relies on every card i can win no matter what cards i draw


Anime corrupts children's minds.


Follow the advice about the Chaos build' date=' please. Or at least develop some kind of strategy other than Miracle Drawing Skillz.



there are more than 20 strategies in that deck


That's what we call a "Yugi deck".


Which, in turn, is bad.

i beat my friend 99.9% of the time

I'm assuming that your friend runs cards like Professor Oak and Get Out of Jail Free to win, right?


I lol'd

i'll take a little advise but only if i think its worthy


Stop being thick headed and please follow these people advice.

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my dad and i are even and he has about the same deck plus if any1 wants to see the power of my deck just pm me when i'm online and i'll send you a link to somewhere where we can chat and we'll duel over the internet


Wow, you mean that this deck wins about half the time against a deck that is identical to this deck? Obviously, that means that this deck cannot possibly be improved.



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if any1 wants to see the power of my deck just pm me when i'm online and i'll send you a link to somewhere where we can chat and we'll duel over the internet










If someone is going to duel this guy' date=' can someone record it with a camera, just for the lulz.



the next time i duel my friend i'll record it

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that is good by wat about this i have


Trap cards

call of the haunted

jar of greed

magic cylinder

negate attack

mask of weakness

spellbinding circle


cemetary bomb

sakuretsu armour


Magic cards

Monster reborn

Axe of despair

Red medicine

Malevolent nuzzler


Spell cards

Ancient telescope

Swords of revealing light

Ring of defence

Swords of revaealing light

Pot of greed

Dark energy

Gaia power

Red medicine

Heavy storm

Malevolent nuzzler


Monster cards

Big koala

Armed dragon lv3

Armed dragon lv5

Armed dragon lv7

Red eyes.b dragon

Red eyse darkness dragon

Black magiain of primal chaos

Blue eyes shining dragon

Spear dragon

Dark blade

Elemental hero avian

Chaos socerer

Combo fighter

Mystic clown

Slither the sky dragon

Winged dragon of ra

Rogue dollKuriboh

Blues white dragon


Celtic guardian

Obelisk the tormentor

Mysteriuos puppeteer


Dragon F.G.D

Saint knight dragon

Gaia soul the combustible collective

Luster dragon

Luster dragon#2 :o:o:o:o:o

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