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Yu-Gi-Oh!/GX Style Contest {{Done}}


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Parameters: Create a Magic, Trap or Monster card that follows the same idea as some of the Anime Only cards from Yu-Gi-Oh/GX (ie. overpowered, weird effects etc or even remake an existing card with a new effect etc.) Judging will be based on art, unusuality of the effect and how unrealistic the card is


Prize: Winner gets 1 rep and 50 points.


Ends: 10th July (so take your time)


for inspiration, go to yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Anime_glossary


Good Luck and make them good.

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Whoa really?! Thanks! I really thought I did a crappy job with that card... But I guess I didn't! Thanks a bunch!


you're card is crappy for what you are use to making. But, because of the sheer overpowering of the card (and yet its not completely unfair), it was an excellent card and sensational

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