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Simple CS3 sig tut.

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Ok I've been making sigs for awhile so I guess I should make some tut. This is a fairly simple tut for Photoshop CS3.


1) Well obviously the first thing you need is a render. I recomend Planetrenders.com. Ok this is the render I'm going to use. http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pid=3113&fullsize=1


2) Now what you need is a size for your sig. I used a 500x150 size.



3) Ok the first thing you need to really do is use the Paint Bucket tool with the color set on black. Fill up the backround.



4) Make a new layer. Layer>New>Layer


5) Open up your render. File>Open


6) Select the Color Picker tool and select the main color on your render. Seeing as I have two people in my render I'm going to be useing two different colors.





8) Now heres where you paste our render.



9) Here comes the detials. Since this is more of a beginnier tut you won't be adding that much. If you don't know how to add all the good stuff. Double click the layer you want to add the detials to.



10) Lower the opacity a bit I put it at 85%



11) Adding text I don't enjoy adding text to sigs but since this is a tut I'll make an exception. Select the Text tool and choose your favorite font.



[align=center]Final Result



Tell me what you think of my first tut.

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You didn't use default brushes, did you?


Meh... But, seriously. As the two persons above mentioned, why did you omit the glowing effect? Sigs without glowing or such effects tends to make the text look awful when placed over the background.


You may wanna explain how to add the renders too. Sometimes, when you save an image with a transparent background, photoshop may open it with a black background, or something of the like, and when trying to remove it, it keeps a hollow that is annoying to the sight when placed over a background too.

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The outr glow and all those effects you know how you have the renders showing on the right-hand side of screen double click on the layer you want, a screen should pop up.

As for putting renders in the sig just open up the render select it copy it and the paste it simple as that.

I also forgot how to add a border just make a new layer. Layer>New>Layer. Select the whole sig. Then go to stroke and select the color you want and the px size.

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