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Volcano Power Deck

Jack Witt

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my base deck on Game King Online, and my best deck in real-life


neg reps for people who can't post contructive critism, even if your reason is all ready taken, if thats the case, don't post!




3x Blazing Inpachi

3x Volcanic Blaster

3x Volcanic Doomfire

3x Volcanic Hammerer

3x Volcanic Rat

3x Volcanic Rocket

3x Volcanic Scattershot

3x Volcanic Shell

3x Volcanic Slicer

1x Infernal Flame Emperor




3x Tri-Blaze Accelerator

1x Wild Fire

3x Blaze Accelerator




3x Widespread Ruin

3x Volcanic Recharge

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Mirror Force

1x Negate Attack

1x Firewall

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my base deck on Game King Online' date=' and my best deck in real-life


neg reps for people who can't post contructive critism, even if your reason is all ready taken, if thats the case, don't post!


3x Blaze Accelerator

3x Blazing Inpachi

1x Firewall

1x Infernal Flame Emperor

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Mirror Force

1x Negate Attack

3x Tri-Blaze Accelerator

3x Volcanic Blaster

3x Volcanic Doomfire

3x Volcanic Hammerer

3x Volcanic Rat

3x Volcanic Recharge

3x Volcanic Rocket

3x Volcanic Scattershot

3x Volcanic Shell

3x Volcanic Slicer

3x Widespread Ruin

1x Wild Fire



-3 Volcanic Rat

-1 Infernal Flame Emperor

-3 Volcanic Recharge

-3 Volcanic Slicer

-3 Volcanic Hammerer

-3 Volcanic Blaster

-3 Volcanic Doomfire

-3 Tri-Blaze Accelerator

-3 Blazing Inpachi


+1 Raiza the Storm Monarch

+3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

+3 Royal Firestorm Guards


+ other Volcanic Monarch cards

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No! Thats poor contruct then! This is a fire deck' date=' nothing else!


and if I did that, Id have less than 40 cards! Thats not contructive, thats idiotic!



Your Deck isn't good.


ask Crab Helmet

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On GKO, the duel will automatically disconnect in less than 2 turns. >_>


Oh, by the way, the deck is bad. Putting together a list of every Volcanic monster does not make a deck.

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On GKO' date=' the duel will automatically disconnect in less than 2 turns. >_>


Oh, by the way, the deck is bad. Putting together a list of every Volcanic monster does not make a deck.



Do you want to remove the negative reputation point because someone agrees with me?

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It makes it good because I play with it and win with it, ask around on Game King


plus Game King only disconnects you if you don't use Firefox, so thats false info!


and no you couldn't beat me in less than 20 turns, no one but an idiot would believe that!

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It makes it good because I play with it and win with it' date=' ask around on Game King



72% of all Game King duelists run Avian and Yariza. Saying you can win on Game King is like saying you can dress yourself.


plus Game King only disconnects you if you don't use Firefox' date=' so thats false info!



I use Firefox. Game King disconnects me.


Fail less.


and no you couldn't beat me in less than 20 turns' date=' no one but an idiot would believe that!




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Ohnoes, teh rudeness. Sorry, I'll be polite now, since otherwise you'll cry to mommy or something. And formal.


Dear Mr. Witt,


We deeply regret to inform you that the quality of your deck does not correspond to an acceptable level of adequacy.




Crab Helmet

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Ohnoes' date=' teh rudeness. Sorry, I'll be polite now, since otherwise you'll cry to mommy or something. And formal.


[i']Dear Mr. Witt,


We deeply regret to inform you that the quality of your deck does not correspond to an acceptable level of adequacy.




Crab Helmet[/i]


... I think thats the funniest thing that I have read on here XD




Mr. Witt, I just skimmed through your deck and from the looks of it, Its kinda slow... Try adding a Sangan in here... add 3 ufo turtles as well... that should speed the deck up a little...


sorry, I've never built a volcanic deck so I can't tell you what cards to take out...

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If I keep adding cards it will get too big! I know that' date=' but I prefer chance, I don't like looking except for my Spells!



look through your volcanic monsters and decide which ones are useful and which ones are not... take out the useless ones and add sangan and 3 ufo turtles...


If I remember correctly, infernal flame emperor wasn't really worth bringing out so you might want to start with that...

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Guest JoshIcy

ummm... 28monsters, 7spells and 10traps... thats a problem for any deck, too many monsters and for burn decks thats a bad thing...


in my experience a burn deck should have about the same amount of monsters if not less than spells... start there lol

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ok lol i kno this is bad but its defo better than this scrap your entire deck

add in


thestalos the firestorm monarch x3

royal firestrom gaurds x2

des koala

volcanic shell x3


ufo turtle x3

solarflare dragon x3

volcanic pwnfire

volcanic rocket x3


blaze accelerator x3

triblaze accelerator

+other good spells


ceasefire + other good burn cards

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Ohnoes' date=' teh rudeness. Sorry, I'll be polite now, since otherwise you'll cry to mommy or something. And formal.


[i']Dear Mr. Witt,


We deeply regret to inform you that the quality of your deck does not correspond to an acceptable level of adequacy.




Crab Helmet[/i]


sorry fr double post but... sigged

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Guest Chaos Pudding



3x Volcanic Rocket

3x Volcanic Scattershot

3x Volcanic Shell




3x Blaze Accelerator




3x Volcanic Recharge

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Mirror Force


This is what your deck looks like after all of my preliminary removals. I don't have time right now to offer replacements, but I might have some later in the day.

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