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I actually don't know why Konami did this Problem-Solving Text

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Specifically backslash after the materials list, "1Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters/You can only control 1 "Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi." I've noticed this on a few Fusions and Synchros (Cyberse Clock Dragon and the Mayakashi Synchros), but what's weird is its just a few cards so far. I don't know if this is to keep the text size on the effects large enough for people to read or not, or maybe they just want to be able to use the entire text box for the materials list and effect without the open space from now on. Just thought I'd ask about this.

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The slash between materials and effects was first introduced with Beatrice, because her effect text was too goddamn long. So yes, it is indeed a means to let the effect text still be "large" enough to be legible, like you guessed.


Oh I forgot all about Beatrice, I just started noticing this with Cyberse Clock Dragon and the Mayakashi Synchros that were just released. Thanks.

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