Dr.Kran Posted November 16, 2018 Report Share Posted November 16, 2018 Creating my cards; which are first processed through a series of various findingsI recommend looking at these - https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/321479-ycm-advanced-card-designs-rules-updated-932018/Existing effects• Normal Summon/Activation; placed by hand onto the field.• Tribute/Material Summon/Activation; placed by hand onto the field after destroying a number of cards on your side of the field.• Special/Ritual Summon/Activation; placed by hand onto the field during or after an effect commenced.• Flip Summon/Activation; after placed during a turn before the current turn a flip summon commenced.• Bound Summon/Activation; placed from a zone to the field. Non-existing effects• Special options; These effect consist on existing or outer game rules which invites their own physics/angles. • Combo/Attacks; The greater combo vs combo or wits results greater damage done onto your opponent's destroying on the first strike if it's equal or lesser than the attack power. Longer attacks doesn't change the outcome without an purpose existing effect.• Wits; how many times can your card protect itself before it's destroyed vs an attacking monster's combo.• Attribute points; A set or basic ATK or DEF power or special LP { Life points ).• Zone point; A field for placement for many or singular cards according to the zone's proper/specific effects. Unwritten in card effects• Tribute summon; (In game rules it requires an unwritten followings to tribute summon a level 5/6 for 1 monster, level 7/8 for 2 monsters and level 9/12 for 3 monsters) sometimes revealed in the card's based effects/abilities area level 5-12. (There are people that exist and has never heard of yu-gi-oh cards, these could be helpful.)[spoiler=Followings]╚═╗╚═══ » Player triggers « ═══╝╔═╝unset you controls then; unset followingsunset your opponent controls then; unset followingsunset followings; you can or your opponent canif your opponent; unset followingsif you; unset followings ╚═╗╚═══ » Control « ═══╝╔═╝If an; unset followingsface-up; unset followingsplay; unset followingsset; unset followingssummon; unset followingsselect; unset followingsdraw; unset followingsdiscard; unset followingstake; unset followingsattack; unset followingstribute; unset followingsdestroy; unset followingsremoved unset from play; to unset followingssend unset from play; to unset followingsface-down; unset followings ╚═╗╚═══ » Modes « ═══╝╔═╝ defense modeattack mode ╚═╗╚═══ » Effects « ═══╝╔═╝affected; unset followingsunaffected; unset followingsInflict; unset followingsdestroyed; unset followingsremoved from play; unset followings ╚═╗╚═══ » Terms « ═══╝╔═╝unset card cannot; unset followingsunset card; unset followingsYou can/cannot; unset followingsthis card cannot; unset followingsthis card; unset followings activate; unset followingsinflict; unset followingsnegate; unset followings Equip; unset followingsAttach; unset followingsContinuous; unset followingsCounter; unset followingsQuick-Play; unset followingsField; unset followingsRitual; unset followings ╚═╗╚═══ » Types & Effects « ═══╝╔═╝Life PointsCardsMonster card zoneSpell/Trap card zone TrapSpellQuick-PlayCounterContinuousRitual LIGHTFIREWATERAIREARTHDARK BeastInsectReptileBeast-WarriorWarriorSpellcasterFairyDragonFiendZombie/ Spirit/ Gemini/ Effect/ Toon/ Tuner/ Union/ Divine-Beast-Type[spoiler=My cards - Editing]Frontier ArmswordsmanLevel 3 [Warrior / Effect]You can select 1 monster your opponent controls with less ATK than this card then destroy that monster and inflict damage for the difference; this card cannot attack for using this effect during the same turn. If this card would be destroyed, used as a material for a tribute summon, effect or destroyed by a card with ATK equal 600 greater ATK than this card then you can instead return this card to your hand and flip any card(s) that was equipped to it face down. Your opponent can only select a card you control with frontier in it's name.ATK / 1200 DEF / 800Frontier CommanderLevel 4 [Warrior / Effect]If this card or another card with in it's name Frontier you control would be destroyed then you may return them to your hand or deck instead of sending them to the graveyard and show any number cards with Royal or Imperial in your hand or your graveyard to your opponent to activate their effects per detached Attrition Counter. Special summon all cards with Frontier in their name in your hand during each of your standby phases.ATK / 1600 DEF / 1200Executive Superior Barrier WarlockLevel 7 [spellcaster / Effect]You can special summon this card by removing all from play all frontier cards in your hand, deck, graveyard and field. All face-up non-trap cards your opponent controls gains 1 Attrition Counter per activation of an effect or by placing a face-up non-trap card on the field (excluding flip summon) even after this card you control has been removed from the field. Negate the activation of all cards with an Attrition Counter must have more DEF points than this card's total ATK points to be special summoned or activate their effects; this effect is negated if your opponent has a stronger spellcaster card on their side of the field. Your opponent must remove from play 1 in their hand or pay 1000 Life Points per each Attrition Counter. If the effects for this card would be negated by a card then it must have higher DEF than this card's ATK or the negation is reversed and the card must either be played face up on the field, set or discarded.ATK / 2700 DEF / 1500King Vansaar the Lengedary WizardLevel 9 [Leader / Effect]You can special summon this card from anywhere with out Tributing if you have 4 monsters on the field. Once per turn the original ATK/DEF for all monster(s) you control are immune to all non-Leader-Type card(s) and gains 700 original ATK permanently even after all were removed from play, destroyed or summoned. All effects for Leader-Type monster(s) your opponent controls are negated.ATK/2500 DEF/3000Noble God of Intuition and TaxesLevel 10 [Physic / Divine / Effect]Only the original owner can special summon this card. At the start of the duel all non-god/divine cards gains 1 Fate Counter permanently; neither player can use cards that removes or destroys Fate Counters except for other Counters or with this card's effect. Either player can remove any number of cards with Fate Counters to any zone, deck, hand or fuse by paying Life Points equal to a monster's ATK. This card is unaffected by all card effects except by triggering the activated effects. Sacrificing monsters you and your opponent are now forbidden which now requires total of 1000 Life Points per level of a monster. Once per turn both players must pay 1000 Life Points for each card they control excluding this one.ATK / 4000 DEF / 4000[spoiler=My cards only][spoiler=Contents only]Frontier ArmswordsmanLevel 3 [Warrior / Effect]You can select 1 monster your opponent controls with less ATK than this card then destroy that monster and inflict damage for the difference; this card cannot attack for using this effect during the same turn. If this card would be destroyed, used as a material for a tribute summon, effect or destroyed by a card with ATK equal 600 greater ATK than this card then you can instead return this card to your hand and flip any card(s) that was equipped to it face down. Your opponent can only select a card you control with frontier in it's name.ATK / 1200 DEF / 800 Frontier CommanderLevel 4 [Warrior / Effect]If this card or another card with in it's name Frontier you control would be destroyed then you may return them to your hand or deck instead of sending them to the graveyard and show any number cards with Royal or Imperial in your hand or your graveyard to your opponent to activate their effects per detached Attrition Counter. Special summon all cards with Frontier in their name in your hand during each of your standby phases.ATK / 1600 DEF / 1200 Executive Superior Barrier WarlockLevel 7 [spellcaster / Effect]You can special summon this card by removing all from play all frontier cards in your hand, deck, graveyard and field. All face-up non-trap cards your opponent controls gains 1 Attrition Counter per activation of an effect or by placing a face-up non-trap card on the field (excluding flip summon) even after this card you control has been removed from the field. Negate the activation of all cards with an Attrition Counter must have more DEF points than this card's total ATK points to be special summoned or activate their effects; this effect is negated if your opponent has a stronger spellcaster card on their side of the field. Your opponent must remove from play 1 in their hand or pay 1000 Life Points per each Attrition Counter. If the effects for this card would be negated by a card then it must have higher DEF than this card's ATK or the negation is reversed and the card must either be played face up on the field, set or discarded.ATK / 2700 DEF / 1500King Vansaar the Lengedary WizardLevel 9 [Leader / Effect]You can special summon this card from anywhere with out Tributing if you have 4 monsters on the field. Once per turn the original ATK/DEF for all monster(s) you control are immune to all non-Leader-Type card(s) and gains 700 original ATK permanently even after all were removed from play, destroyed or summoned. All effects for Leader-Type monster(s) your opponent controls are negated.ATK/2500 DEF/3000Noble God of Intuition and TaxesNoble God of Intuition and TaxesLevel 10 [Physic / Divine / Effect]Only the original owner can special summon this card. At the start of the duel all non-god/divine cards gains 1 Fate Counter permanently; neither player can use cards that removes or destroys Fate Counters except for other Counters or with this card's effect. Either player can remove any number of cards with Fate Counters to any zone, deck, hand or fuse by paying Life Points equal to a monster's ATK. This card is unaffected by all card effects except by triggering the activated effects. Sacrificing monsters you and your opponent are now forbidden which now requires total of 1000 Life Points per level of a monster. Once per turn both players must pay 1000 Life Points for each card they control excluding this one.ATK / 4000 DEF / 4000 [spoiler=Task Journal]Amulet of mirrorsleast - Weaker defeating - stronger winner - balancer - stronger defeating - weaker winner - most Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruteboii Posted November 17, 2018 Report Share Posted November 17, 2018 It's hard for me to give any sort of criticism because I need to ask this first: What is this?Is Advanced Card Design the best spot for this kinda of thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr.Kran Posted November 17, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 17, 2018 It's hard for me to give any sort of criticism because I need to ask this first: What is this?Is Advanced Card Design the best spot for this kinda of thing?Can you not ask further questions ¿ and yes, the advanced card design is designed mainly for card design with the following terms on this link https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/321479-ycm-advanced-card-designs-rules-updated-932018/ . I'm looking for all monster attributes/effects and in this development. I will use this page as a tool for the production for more organized and professional cards. This is the advanced card section afterall; there are no set requirements that affairs with any violations at any pace you choose to take sir. If you want to speak with me personally I would rather not be pinged for nothing vital, so I suggest contacting me in outside posts where I can reply if I choose to. This is because I do not tend to encourage a conversation that has no purpose which provides me with nothing in return. ~And I do not want your help or critique if you're willing to offer any in the future.Have a nice day and please refrain from being very insecure/unaware which is the highest part/mind out of the 1st 5 actual/arrayed aligned/deportrayed. Any critique as you please can be sent here without any direct messaging to me sir. I recommend this post to you https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/322020-ocgpsct-tutorial-learn-how-to-write-your-cards-properly/ it suits your tongue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dokutah Posted November 17, 2018 Report Share Posted November 17, 2018 Let me guess either a over-the-top role play or bot. On to the actual cards then. Since your theory is either stating the obvious or blurring the already established definition So its a weaker King Tiger of Wanghu. Which not saying much since Tiger is not that playable except for the outdated Yanfly Paragon Lock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr.Kran Posted November 17, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 17, 2018 ~Dr. Jolly Glot the III; It's true that this is a public's advanced opinions/feelings section and not a real advanced category for other or all compositions. Do not try to break through to me with your personal feelings which is primarily filtered/blacklisted to my existence as it doesn't serve purpose/posit any or even/very for/with a mere/measly extent/sum. [spoiler=Primary analysis]There are no proper/specific values/scales in your writing of labels and which you have mostly written more of than your specificness and the following except for mentioning a Kazuki Takahashi's creation. I will use color to pronounce/signify basic game values/scales.My monster; destroys by if requirements √ set are met optionally by selecting a card with less ATK; And various other effects, different name and type.Kazuki Takahashi's monster; destroys present cards triggered by requirements √ set if the ATK is less and if the card was special or normal summoned and a flip summon exception.There are only 7 differences and 6 similarities both involves a card all though your label was only 16.666666666666675% cold and being 85.71428571428571% hot makes both 100% unrelated even if they're used for linked purposes. And any future excuses/mindsets will be taken as another malformity/duration which is total waste of time taken from me. If you're just trying to appear to gain public reputation/progress then I advise you do it with your breed of minds and not write another useless note which I will block if it matches the first in any slight ways.[spoiler=Content composition analysis]Your labels are; "theory" which is for the thinking/mistakening which are perfectly reluctant/stubborn and malformed/durating with their worthless/unthinkable minds. "already established definition" which means started and not found which counts as a declaration/comment for anyone intelligent that knows/notices it as a believed/mistakened for something new when it could be treated as delusional bordersmanship/ownership like your believed/mistakened current/local standardized/popular mindsets/excuses for a certain regions entrusted/hired declared by unautherized/trespassing strangers/accomplices to ignored as individuals/innocents which do not fit in with that uses the existing intelligence/knowledge which discriminates all established borders for the declared as. [spoiler=Outer analysis]A word or code combination/placement is portrayed with different letters or symbols that best suits one's interest/self giving itself a meaning with it's own existence to define the specific/proper area/field showing possibilities/absolutions with physics/angles. Your pronouncements/siginifications do not fit in the category of misused labels Dr. Jolly Glot the III ~. I don't use theories which are for most worthless/unthinkable breed of malformed/durated minds nor can I refer to the labeled "the already established definition.*".And since I wasn't pinged by the recent above there is no reason for me to take it as any personal or as an proper response.I only use the already existing instructions/mentionings for full physics/angles charts/solutions that already exist to those having it's indisputable/accurate vocabulary that knows/notices. The existing physics/angles for existence and interdenominational borders could or can't be written by hand or much easier a analyzer machine with pure mispronounced/missignified for a popular/standardized slang/grammar which are mindsets that don't fit in with intelligent/knowledgeable fields/areas for the reasonable-normal-kinds/different-ones with their own full/permanent or minor/temporary charts/solutions.And all this would be written directly to you if you wrote to me properly ~ I do not wish to continue with your type of topic sir, you can continue to recite with your breed of aligned/deportrayed mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dokutah Posted November 18, 2018 Report Share Posted November 18, 2018 Lets try this 1 more time for sake of healthy discussion shall we? First of all. Yes ill admit the Wanghu is not a direct comparation since this destroy right in the moment the monster become public knowledge (being face-up) but its still the closest thing and it still the fact that this card has lower range of what it could destroy. Well it does destroy Mali of Armageddon Knight engine but if this the case why Wanghu is never used against the combo in Meta? That combo aside this doesn't stop Sky Striker setup and Number 42 The only redeeming factor is this is searchable by RotA but ths card doesnt have any other utility to setup the board either The new addtional effect is hardly practical. Float is okay, setting Equip instead letting them being destroyed is way to specific but not the worse thing. But can you explain how this card need an effect for the impossible scenario that this will destroyed by battle with monster that its total ATK 599 or less since your card is higher in stat? Lets jump a bit a say it also meant to be triggered also when destroyed by monster effect (which then instead of simply write Destroy you need to be specified: If this card Destroyed by battle or effect of monster with ... ATK) of that stat which make it float against ghost ogre but if that your intention to kept this in hope of destroying enemy combo next turn well it simply not fast enough. Last effect is vague. You can select them for what? Attack, Effect? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr.Kran Posted November 18, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 18, 2018 Still undecided/unwilling; Dr.Kran ☢ Corrections/Definitions and Subject/AdviceLets try this 1 more time for sake of healthy discussion shall we?First of all. Yes ill admit the Wanghu is not a direct comparation since this destroy right in the moment the monster become public knowledge (being face-up) but its still the closest thing and it still the fact that this card has lower range of what it could destroy. Well it does destroy Mali of Armageddon Knight engine but if this the case why Wanghu is never used against the combo in Meta? That combo aside this doesn't stop Sky Striker setup and Number 42The only redeeming factor is this is searchable by RotA but ths card doesnt have any other utility to setup the board eitherThe new addtional effect is hardly practical. Float is okay, setting Equip instead letting them being destroyed is way to specific but not the worse thing. But can you explain how this card need an effect for the impossible scenario that this will destroyed by battle with monster that its total ATK 599 or less since your card is higher in stat? Lets jump a bit a say it also meant to be triggered also when destroyed by monster effect (which then instead of simply write Destroy you need to be specified: If this card Destroyed by battle or effect of monster with ... ATK) of that stat which make it float against ghost ogre but if that your intention to kept this in hope of destroying enemy combo next turn well it simply not fast enough. Last effect is vague. You can select them for what? Attack, Effect?You never cease to end your case of labels. There are is some accuracy found in your content being close which make you precise.I haven't yet finished the card, and if you could predict what it's effect would be like any knowledgeable/intelligent reasonable-normal-kind would then you won't have problem in knowing without the worthless/unthinkable questions/agreements for immature/foreign people. The latest Frontier Armswordsman REVAMPED in; My cards - Editing (Category for this card class is assassin)(Selection) You can select 1 monster your opponent controls with less ATK than this card then destroy that monster and inflict damage for the difference; this card cannot attack for using this effect during the same turn. (primary defense) If this card would be destroyed or used as a material for a tribute summon or effect or destroyed by a monster with ATK equal 600 greater ATK than this card then you can (defense aftermath) instead return this card to your hand and flip any card(s) that was equipped to it face down. Your opponent can only select a card you control with frontier in it's name.Here is the latest revamp for my monster, it's still under prototype process/stage.This an advanced design section not a submission zone for your complete content.Feedbacks and discussions aren't vital to everyone, you should know that.King Tiger of Wanghu (Category for this card class is assassin)(Standby) As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all monsters with an ATK equal to 1400 or less that are Normal Summoned or Special Summoned (excluding Flip Summon) are automatically destroyed.REPLY ANALYSISLets try this 1 more time for sake of healthy discussion (Healthy/Beneficial discussions/feelings are more for personal/helpful matters/theories which relates to conditions/states for/inviting the sessionists/fantasists to appear with questions/aggreements. I'll have to ask you to not be so concerned for my content/feedback because there truly is no us. Lets try this 1 more time for sake of healthy discussion (Healthy/Beneficial discussions/feelings are more for personal/helpful matters/theories which relates to conditions/states for/inviting the sessionists/fantasists to appear with questions/aggreements. I'll have to ask you to not be so concerned for my content/feedback because there truly is no us. Let's try this 1 last time for the sake of healthy/beneficial blacklisting/secluding can you sir/mam¿ (This isn't a question mark when reverse the for term/border is the absolution/possibility being an answer to myself and the mentioned/instructed tracer/belittled.)) shall we?First of all. Yes ill admit the Wanghu is not a direct ("So its a weaker King Tiger of Wanghu." was key directed to my card with your previous label; I dislike non-balls/quitters that labels then realizes that they've written nothing related. ) comparation since this destroy right in the moment the monster become public knowledge (being face-up) but its still the closest thing and it still the fact that this card has lower range (If Like ATK points an effect can be increased as well, the max range is infinance and it would be equivalent if you didn't think so inaccurately. It's better to treat all key/primary words/symbols as a sum for how many it has in a particular field/area. 1 ATK vs 12 POW for used as a DEF point is close enough as it gets if it was asked to serve as an co-opposer vs it's opposer. For example -inf Dr.Kran = these minor/temporary charts/solutions with an undecided composition while 1 Dr.Kran = the indisputable/accurate full/permanent charts/solutions which is when I can use AI level metaphors only using singular and exact answers with real video.) of what it could destroy. Well it does destroy Mali of Armageddon Knight engine but if this the case why Wanghu is never used against the combo in Meta? That combo aside this doesn't stop Sky Striker setup and Number 42.The only redeeming factor is this is searchable by RotA but this card doesn't have any other utility to setup the board either.The new additional* effects is hardly practical. Float (I prefer to use the primary term; plantation like in any domain entrusted to strangers.) is okay, setting Equip instead letting them being destroyed is way too* specific but not the worse thing. But can you explain how this card need (I prefer to use the primary term for; strategic using your experienced methods in combat. I terminated the effect's first strategic methods which deemed as useless, obsolete and a waste of space.) an effect for the impossible scenario that this will destroyed by battle with monster that its total ATK 599 (Reverse wits can surpass all odds if strong was weak and weak was strong and nothing was most and most was nothing which posses as a far greatest threat if against all absolution/possibilities.) or less since your card is higher in stat? Lets jump a bit a say it also meant to be triggered also when destroyed by monster effect (which then instead of simply write Destroy you need to be specified: (Double periods are used for full endings.) If this card Destroyed by battle or effect of monster with ... ATK) of that stat which make it float against ghost ogre but if that your intention to kept this in hope of destroying enemy combo next turn well it simply not fast enough. Last effect is vague. You can select them for what? Attack, Effect? NOTE : If your total composition or anyone else's when presented are shown in card effects there could be needed component cards to correct them or word cards like elemental hero spellings. There are no flaws in the exact card you asked for when you entered it into your simulation tool which could already be found with a similar AI or gadget which could be used to product or unshroud all knowledgeable/intelligent extents/sums. Everything that is written could be calculated and treated as an accurate sum for any followings within or outer reaches. There really is no incorrect card. If you successfully made an brain beast card that successfulyl scrambles or changes the effects for a monster then I'll be interested in your content if it doesn't match your poor compositions.Dr. Jolly Glot the III ☣ Content; labels/decisions, references/off-topic and malformed/durating lacking vitals/keywords. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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