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YCM Highlander Tournament

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Hello, fine peoples!


Just a simple tournament with highlander rules.


[spoiler=What is highlander?]

Highlander is a game format where you can only use 1 copy of each card in your Deck. Essentially, it limits all Unlimited/Semi-Limited cards. Decks are locked at 60 cards, no more, no less. Extra deck can have 0-15 cards, but you can only have 1 copy of each Extra Deck monster as well.




Hope to run an elimination format, so 8 players is preferable, but if there are too few, we'll just switch to a round robin form and see who gets the most wins. Wins to be reported by both players in this thread. Regarding banlist and cardpool: TCG+OCG format


Sound good? Great!



1. goodfusion - 0:2:0

2. Darj - 3:1:0

3. Dova - 0:3:0

4. Catman25 - 3:0:0

5. Ciao Babe (not really) - 2:2:0



  • Due to the number of participants, the tournament will be run round-robin.
  • Each of you must PM me your decklist before you duel.
  • You can use any platform that both players agree to using.
  • At least one player must post in his thread who won and the other player must confirm it.



Feel free to leave any questions/concerns in this thread or PM me!

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I am interested, as I love this format. However not signing up just yet as I want to ask:


What platforms should it be played on? I can only really use Dueling Nexus as YGOPro simply doesn't work on my computer and Duelingbook is really laggy. If that's going to be problematic I don't think I'll enter.


Also, I'm guessing TCG+OCG format in regards to banlist and legal cards?

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I am interested, as I love this format. However not signing up just yet as I want to ask:


What platforms should it be played on? I can only really use Dueling Nexus as YGOPro simply doesn't work on my computer and Duelingbook is really laggy. If that's going to be problematic I don't think I'll enter.


Also, I'm guessing TCG+OCG format in regards to banlist and legal cards?

Good point. Let's see others weigh in. I don't particularly care what platform, but convenience for everyone would be best.


Yes on the banlist/cardpool. Will put that info in the OP in a bit.

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Not fully convinced about the 60-card deck, but I'm interested anyway.


Welcome welcome!  Do you play highlander with a different number of cards in deck?  I thought 60 was the default, but if people are opposed to it, we can decide on another number.


About goodfusion's concern regarding platform: would you be able to use Nexus?

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Welcome welcome!  Do you play highlander with a different number of cards in deck?  I thought 60 was the default, but if people are opposed to it, we can decide on another number.


IDK the rules either. I haven't played highlander but I find it interesting to give it a shot and once I built a deck to test, but it was 40-card.

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Sure, why not.


I'm guessing banned cards stay banned?


Also, DB, I'm assuming?


Yeah, banned cards remain banned.


Well... DB or any platform that works for you.  Goodfusion can't really use DB, but if everyone is open to using different platforms, I'd very much like to add Goody to the tourney list.

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I'm not familiar with Round Robin, does this mean we each will duel each other player once in a single?

Yup, everyone duels everyone else once with no elimination. Whoever has the best record in their 4 duels wins. In the case of a tie, a tiebreaker duel is held between the two with the best record.

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