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My profile is wrong!

Mike Tyson


Hello mods and other people of the internet! First of all, yes, it is me, Mike Tyson, heavyweight champ with over 80 wins to his name!


But right now I am trying to figure out a mysterious mystery...


I logged on to show off to everyone, and noticed that the Mike Tyson page is wrong. It doesn' thave any of my information, and rather than a beautiful photo of me, I just see some gray dude staring back at me. Who is messing with me???????


It even says I'm a 'senior member'! That's offensive!

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3 answers to this question

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Let's see how I can help you.


1. Given our site's internal uploader is busted, you'll have to use URLs to upload an avatar. The "gray dude" you see (assuming faceless) is just the default avatar for those who don't have one.


If things fail, then crop a pic of yourself and PM me. I'll manually add it for you in the AdminCP.


2. Senior Member is a title to denote members with 5,000 - 9,999 posts. It is NOT representative of your actual age (and hopefully one of your fellow monsters understands that point too).

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