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Yu-Gi-Oh! Crimson Deulist Chronicles (Chapter 6 is up, feedback appreciated)


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[align=center]Chapter 5: Zack Vs. Kye Part 2


Kye: I've got to think of something, and fast! That Bermuda is stronger than my Warrior... Wait a second...


*Kye looks at his Hand. He realizes he needs one card to defeat Bermuda and Zack, and it happens to be his face down card!*


Kye: Hold up one second Zack! I'm not delaying a thing! I'm going to destroy your Bermuda and the rest of your life point's in one turn!


Zack: Try it! Your Warrior cant get past my Wall! It's only 3000 Attack!


Kye: Not when I play my Face-down! Go, "MegaMorph"!


Zack: Hah! All you did is reduce your Warriors attack to 1500!


Kye: Dont be so sure, Zack! Next I play my own "Wall of Revealing Light", And I pay 4000 of my own Life Points! Bringing me down to 2400 Life Points raises my Warrior's attack to 6000!


Zack: Even so, with that amount of attack, you cant take out my Bermuda AND my Life Points!


Kye: Maybe not right now, but I'll be able to after I play "DNA Surgery", Making my Warrior of Virmire a Machine-Type monster. I'll then play "Limiter Removal", which doubles the Attack of any Machine-Types on the field, Bringing my Warrior up to 16000!


Zack: No...


Kye: Now go, Warrior of Virmire, Obliterate his Life Points and end this duel!


*The Warrior does as he is commanded, and races forward. The Wall suddenly breaks and crashes down. The Cloudian is destroyed into mist and flies in different directions. Then, with one giant slash, the duel is over. Zack falls to his knees. He has lost.*


Zack's LP: 0

Kye's LP: 2400


*Kye walks over to Zack, still on his knees in shock*


Kye: You OK?


Zack: Yeah... I'm alright.


*Zack stands up slowly and smiles and Kye*


Zack: That was probably the best duel I've ever had. Here, you deserve this.


*Zack holds up his Cloudian Bermuda to Kye. Kye puts his hand over the card, and pushes it back down*


Kye: Keep it.


Zack: Huh?


Kye: Keep it, I can tell you have a strong connection with that card, i'd never take away something like that. Besides, what am I gonna do with that in a Dark Guardian deck?


Zack: ...Well, I dont wanna let you go empty handed... I got it! Here, take this.


*Zack takes Kye's hand and places a plastic red teardrop button in his hand*


Kye: Whats this?


Zack: A Crimson Teardrop. When you get 3 of these, you get to duel Anthro.


Kye: *Shocked* ANTHRO!?


Zack: Yup, THE Anthro.


Kye: Thanks!


*The two shake hands*


Zack: Well, What are you waiting for? Go get two more!


Kye: I'll get on that!


*Kye runs off, Eager to get the last two Crimson Teardrops,while Zack walks the oppisite way, Smiling at the duel that they had just had*[/align]




What a chapter!


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